MSEAS re-analyses for the AWACS-SW06 Exercise in the Middle Atlantic Bight Region

Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux, Patrick J. Haley, Jr., Wayne G. Leslie, Oleg G. Logutov

The table below contains links to 11 day-long re-analysis ocean fields (computed in January 2008) estimated for the 2006 AWACS-SW06 exercise in the Middle Atlantic Bight Region. The re-analysis fields are the output of a stand-alone, data-assimilative dynamical model simulation carried out using our MSEAS system for the time period 24 August - 4 September, 2006. Model output files contain either temperature (°C) and salinity (PSU) or velocity (cm/s) data at a 3km horizontal resolution, 1hr temporal resolution, on 30 terrain-following (double-sigma) vertical levels.

This is a re-analysis run using the parameters of the central simulation with full data assimilation found in It is a free surface simulation with Tidal and Atmospheric forcing. In situ observations from Rutgers SeaGliders, NMFS cruises, CTD casts collected aboard the research vessels Knorr, Quest and Tioga, as well as Scanfish data are used to create the initial conditions and twice-daily assimilation fields. SST is also assimilated on Aug 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25.

Note: There are two type of output files for the velocities, with different orientations for the velocity components:

Along Grid
the velocities are oriented along the grids. i.e. "Zonal" (U) components are at 60 degrees counter-clockwise from East, approximately along-shore; while "Meridional" (V) components are at 60 degrees counter-clockwise from North, approximately across-shelf.
the velocities are expressed as true zonal and meridional components.

NetCDF files
Temperature and Salinity
Velocity Along Grid

Example Temperature Plots
Surface 30m 100m

To help extract data from these files in Matlab, we include the function readhopspe.m. To use this function, you'll also need to download

  1. The appropriate mexnc for your system
  2. the NetCDF ToolBox
Then you need to edit your MATLABPATH to include the necessary directories. In the example below, both mexnc and the NetCDF ToolBox were installed in the directory /matlab/toolbox/local
Notice that you have to include two additional subdirectories that are part of the NetCDF ToolBox.