Suggested sampling for the 2008 Pilot exercise

Patrick Haley, Pierre Lermusiaux and Glen Gawarkiewicz

The aim is to provide background larger-scale ocean conditions and so an initialization field. Specifically, the goal is to sample part of the larger region of influence of the Cold Dome region within less than 48 hours, with higher resolution across the Kuroshio and the Cold Dome, including the I-Lan Ridge and a couple of deep stations.

(deg min)
(deg min)
Leg 1, 20km resolution, Total Time: 7:18:00
25 02.5730 N121 56.8005 E460:06:32
25 10.3717 N122 03.3977 E1640:10:28
25 18.1703 N122 09.9949 E2400:13:00
25 25.9690 N122 16.5921 E4650:20:29
25 33.7676 N122 23.1893 E1310:09:21
25 41.5663 N122 29.7865 E1520:10:04
Transect 1, Travel Time: 8:12:00
Leg 2, 20km resolution, Total Time: 12:14:00
24 47.5193 N121 52.4560 E1030:08:26
24 42.7373 N122 03.6154 E910:08:01
24 37.9553 N122 14.7748 E1790:10:58
24 33.1733 N122 25.9342 E4330:19:27
24 28.3913 N122 37.0937 E6750:27:30
24 23.6093 N122 48.2531 E8000:31:40
24 18.8273 N122 59.4125 E5700:23:59
24 14.0453 N123 10.5719 E2810:14:22
Transect 2, Travel Time: 2:58:00
Leg 3, 40km resolution, Total Time: 14:24:00
24 33.5516 N123 25.4212 E8000:31:40
24 53.0372 N123 13.6001 E18131:05:26
25 12.5227 N123 01.7790 E16561:00:12
25 32.0083 N122 49.9579 E8000:31:40
25 51.4939 N122 38.1368 E1070:08:34
Transect 3, Travel Time: 1:33:00
Total Time: 46:39:00