Oceanography, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 2005
Special Issue: The Indonesian Seas
Special Issue Features
Oceanography of the Indonesian Seas and Their Throughflow (4.6 MB pdf)
by A.L. Gordon
Discovering the Indonesian Throughflow (244 KB pdf)
by K. Wyrtki
Dutch Oceanographic Research in Indonesia in Colonial Times (1.2 MB pdf)
by H.M. van Aken
Progress in Oceanography of the Indonesian Seas: A Historical Perspective (520 KB pdf)
by J.I. Pariwono, A.G. Ilahude, and M. Hutomo
Sea Surface Temperature and its Variability in the Indonesian Region (1.4 MB pdf)
by T. Qu, Y. Du, J. Strachan, G. Meyers, and J. Slingo
M2 Baroclinic Tides in the Indonesian Seas (1 MB pdf)
by R. Robertson and A. Ffield
A Brief Overview of Tides in the Indonesian Seas (1.6 MB pdf)
by R.D. Ray, G.D. Egbert, and S.Y. Erofeeva
Ocean Internal Waves Observed in the Lombok Strait (1 MB pdf)
by R.D. Susanto, L. Mitnik, and Q. Zheng
Ekman Mass and Heat Transport in the Indonesian Seas (2.7 MB pdf)
by J. Sprintall and W.T. Liu
Indonesian Throughflow Transport Variability Estimated from Satellite Altimetry (728 KB pdf)
by J.T. Potemra
Indonesian Seas Finestructure Variability (448 KB pdf)
by A. Ffield and R. Robertson
Seasonal Variation of Pelagic Fish Catch Around Java (1.5 MB pdf)
by N. Hendiarti, Suwarso, E. Aldrian, K. Amri, R. Andiastuti, S.I. Sachoemar, and I.B. Wahyono
Effect of the 1997/98 El NiƱo on Chlorophyll a Variability Along the Southern Coasts of Java and Sumatra (956 KB pdf)
by R.D. Susanto and J. Marra
From the Guest Editor: Oceanography of the Indonesian Seas (76 KB pdf)
by A.L. Gordon