SG652 In Distress Glider Reachability Map
Forecast for 09 Apr 0000Z to 16 Apr 0000Z 2024, Issued 09 Apr 2024

Special Product Issued for Miguel Tenreiro and his colleagues (CICESE)

This SG652 glider has been in distress since March 17 and in this reachability forecast, it is assumed to be diving/rising between 0-1000m.

In this product, we assume that the glider moves in opposition to the current (we have subtracted 20 cm/s, 30 cm/s, and 40 cm/s from the background current). Also, to this we add an omni-directional 5 cm/s vehicle velocity, to account for uncertainty.

The black contours shown are reachability front forecasts, at 6 hour intervals (0 hr to 168 hr forecasts, with increasing line thickness for later times). The reachability front is the boundary of the largest set (the reachable set) that the glider can reach within that duration. It is computed by numerically solving our exact governing PDE for this time-optimal reachability front.

The forecasts use MSEAS current forecasts that were initialized Apr08 0Z, and the plots show our reachability prediction. Note that the atmospheric forcing is a forecast from Apr08 and it is a bit coarse. Finally, we don't model wave/windage effects on the glider.

20 cm/s opposing current 30 cm/s opposing current 40 cm/s opposing current