Argo Data Profiles: June–July 2024
This page shows profile data collected by floats that are part of the global Argo program. The color of each profile corresponds to the time of day of the data (shown in the location map in column 1).
Note: If no point appears in the location plot, it is because the profiles lie outside of the current domain boundaries.
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Date | Location with Time | Sound Speed vs. Depth | Potential Density vs. Depth | Temperature vs. Depth | Salinity vs. Depth | Temperature vs. Salinity |
20240806 |
20240805 |
20240804 |
20240803 |
20240802 |
20240801 |
20240731 |
20240730 |
20240729 |
20240728 |
20240727 |
20240726 |
20240725 |
20240724 |
20240723 |
20240722 |
20240721 |
20240720 |
20240719 |
20240718 |
20240717 |
20240716 |
20240715 |
20240714 |
20240713 |
20240712 |
20240711 |
20240710 |
20240709 |
20240708 |
20240707 |
20240706 |
20240705 |
20240703 |
20240702 |
20240701 |
20240630 |
20240629 |
20240628 |
20240627 |
20240626 |
20240625 |
20240623 |
20240622 |
20240621 |
20240620 |
20240619 |
20240618 |
20240617 |
20240616 |
20240615 |