AOSN-II: R/V Point Sur Data - 21-25 August 2003

Click on any image to enlarge
pt_sur_21-25Aug_temp.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_sal.jpg
pt_sur_21-25Aug_rho.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_ts.jpg

Note that the Point Sur carried two instrument packages for carrying out CTD obsverations and performed many repeat casts. Below are vertical sections plotted using only data from one instrument package or the other. The packages are identified as "Point Sur" or "P" and "MBARI" or "M". The station identifiers below do NOT match the official stations identifiers. They are simplified for this representation. "M" stations for this cruise are generally only to 100m.

The cruise track creates five west-east sections and one north-south. These are labeled Section 1 at the north to Section 5 at the south. Section 6 is the north-south section along the western edge of the cruise track.


"Point Sur" or "P" Stations
Section 1Section 2Section 3
pt_sur_21-25Aug_P_sect1.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_P_sect2.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_P_sect3.jpg
Section 4Section 5Section 6
pt_sur_21-25Aug_P_sect4.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_P_sect5.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_P_sect6.jpg


"MBARI" or "M" Stations
Section 1Section 2Section 3
pt_sur_21-25Aug_M_sect1.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_M_sect2.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_M_sect3.jpg
Section 4Section 5 
pt_sur_21-25Aug_M_sect4.jpg pt_sur_21-25Aug_M_sect5.jpg