Stand alone 3km model | Nested 1km model | |
hops_sa_TS.mat | hops_nst_TS.mat | |
Each of the Matlab (*.mat) files contains the HOPS temperature and salinity output at the grid points nearest to the specified set of moorings. If you were to load the stand alone HOPS file,
load hops_sa_TS
you'd see the following variables:
hops_sa_TS_S hops_sa_TS_lat hops_sa_TS_time hops_sa_TS_T hops_sa_TS_lon hops_sa_TS_z
*_time is a 3D array (14 × Ntimes × Ndepths) of times in Matlab's serial date number convention (see the documentation for Matlab's datenum function). Technically, this could have been a 1D array (time doesn't vary with depth) but making it 2D simplifies the plotting.
*_z is a 3D array (14 × Ntimes × Ndepths) of depths from the ocean surface in meters. This does need to be 2D, since the results came from our free-surface model, so depth does vary with time.
*_T & *_S are 3D arrays (14 × Ntimes × Ndepths) of temperature and salinity.
*_lat & *_lon are vectors of length 14, indicating the actual sampling positions of these data (i.e. the position of the nearest grid point).
Note that this extra dimension corresponds to the order of the specified mooring locations: