Temperature Fields -- 17-21 August 1998 -- 1 & 15 meters

Salinity Fields -- 17-21 August 1998 -- 1 & 15 meters

Error Field -- 17-21 August 1998

Data collected from the R/V Lucky Lady during the period 17-21 August and by Battelle for the MWRA during the period 18-21 August has been combined with historical Gulf of Maine (GOM) data. An estimate for the synoptic conditions during this time period is provided by a procedure known as objective analysis. The estimates of temperature and salinity at 1 meter and 15 meters are given below.

This analysis is preliminary and is subject to revision. The rapid delivery of data from Battelle is gratefully acknowledged. Harvard University and CMAST thank Battelle and the MWRA for their cooperation.

Temperature Fields

Salinity Fields