netcdf pe_icon_out { dimensions: tlat = 84 ; tlon = 53 ; vlat = 84 ; vlon = 53 ; level = 20 ; outlev = 20 ; vector = 2 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (61 currently) axis2 = 2 ; axis3 = 3 ; tslev = 61 ; usrdim1 = 10 ; usrdim2 = 20 ; len24 = 24 ; len80 = 80 ; variables: char titlrun(len80) ; char titlmdl(len80) ; char titleic(len80) ; char titlebc(len80) ; char runic(len24) ; int imt ; imt:long_name = "number of tracer points in the x-direction" ; int jmt ; jmt:long_name = "number of tracer points in the y-direction" ; int km ; km:long_name = "number of vertical levels" ; int nt ; nt:long_name = "number of tracer type variables" ; int lseg ; lseg:long_name = "maximum number of sets of Start and End indices" ; int misle ; misle:long_name = "maximum number of islands in the model basin" ; int lbc ; lbc:long_name = "number of arrays of slab incidental data" ; int nfirst ; nfirst:long_name = "start/restart switch" ; nfirst:option_0 = "restart" ; nfirst:option_1 = "start from scratch" ; int nlast ; nlast:long_name = "number of timesteps to calculate" ; int nnergy ; nnergy:long_name = "number of timesteps between energy diagnostics" ; int ntsout ; ntsout:long_name = "number of timesteps between output of data" ; ntsout:valid_min = 1 ; int ntsi ; ntsi:long_name = "number of timesteps between print of information" ; ntsi:valid_min = 1 ; int nmix ; nmix:long_name = "number of timesteps between mixing timesteps" ; int mxscan ; mxscan:long_name = "maximum number of iterations for relaxation" ; int mixvel ; mixvel:long_name = "momentum horizontal mixing scheme" ; mixvel:option_1 = "Shapiro filter" ; mixvel:option_2 = "Laplacian at constant depths" ; mixvel:option_3 = "Laplacian along terrain following levels" ; int mixtrc ; mixtrc:long_name = "tracers horizontal mixing scheme" ; mixtrc:option_1 = "Shapiro filter" ; mixtrc:option_2 = "Laplacian at constant depths" ; mixtrc:option_3 = "Laplacian along terrain following levels" ; int mixztd ; mixztd:long_name = "barotropic vorticity horizontal mixing scheme" ; mixztd:option_1 = "Shapiro filter" ; mixztd:option_2 = "Laplacian" ; float am ; am:long_name = "horizontal mixing of momentum" ; am:units = "centimeter2 second-1" ; float ah ; ah:long_name = "horizontal mixing of heat, salinity and tracers" ; ah:units = "centimeter2 second-1" ; float fkpm ; fkpm:long_name = "vertical mixing of momentum" ; fkpm:units = "centimeter2 second-1" ; float fkph ; fkph:long_name = "vertical mixing of heat, salinity and tracers" ; fkph:units = "centimeter2 second-1" ; int nordv ; nordv:long_name = "velocity: order of Shapiro filter" ; nordv:valid_min = 2 ; int ntimv ; ntimv:long_name = "velocity: number of Shapiro filter applications" ; ntimv:valid_min = 1 ; int nfrqv ; nfrqv:long_name = "velocity: timesteps between Shapiro filtering" ; nfrqv:valid_min = 0 ; int nordt ; nordt:long_name = "tracers: order of Shapiro filter" ; nordt:valid_min = 2 ; int ntimt ; ntimt:long_name = "tracers: number of Shapiro filter applications" ; ntimt:valid_min = 1 ; int nfrqt ; nfrqt:long_name = "tracers: timesteps between Shapiro filtering" ; nfrqt:valid_min = 0 ; int nordp ; nordp:long_name = "transport: order of Shapiro filter" ; nordp:valid_min = 2 ; int ntimp ; ntimp:long_name = "transport: number of Shapiro filter applications" ; ntimp:valid_min = 1 ; int nfrqp ; nfrqp:long_name = "transport: timesteps between Shapiro filtering" ; nfrqp:valid_min = 0 ; int nordz ; nordz:long_name = "vorticity: order of Shapiro filter" ; nordz:valid_min = 2 ; int ntimz ; ntimz:long_name = "vorticity: number of Shapiro filter applications" ; ntimz:valid_min = 1 ; int nfrqz ; nfrqz:long_name = "vorticity: timesteps between Shapiro filtering" ; nfrqz:valid_min = 0 ; float dtts ; dtts:long_name = "length of timestep on tracers" ; dtts:units = "seconds" ; float dtuv ; dtuv:long_name = "length of timestep on momentum" ; dtuv:units = "seconds" ; float dtsf ; dtsf:long_name = "length of timestep on transport streamfunction" ; dtsf:units = "seconds" ; float sor ; sor:long_name = "coefficient for over-relaxation" ; sor:valid_min = 1.f ; sor:valid_max = 2.f ; float crit ; crit:long_name = "RMS relaxation convergence criterion" ; crit:units = "percentage" ; float acor ; acor:long_name = "coefficient for implicit treatment of Coriolis term" ; acor:valid_min = 0.f ; acor:valid_max = 1.f ; int coord ; coord:long_name = "flag for type of horizontal grid" ; coord:option_0 = "cartesian (tangent plane) grid" ; coord:option_1 = "unrotated spherical grid" ; coord:option_2 = "rotated spherical grid" ; float rlngd ; rlngd:long_name = "transformation centroid longitude" ; rlngd:units = "degrees_east" ; float rlatd ; rlatd:long_name = "transformation centroid latitude" ; rlatd:units = "degrees_north" ; float delx ; delx:long_name = "domain longitudinal offset" ; delx:units = "degrees" ; float dely ; dely:long_name = "domain latitudinal offset" ; dely:units = "degrees" ; float thetad ; thetad:long_name = "domain rotation angle" ; thetad:units = "degrees" ; float rho0 ; rho0:long_name = "mean density of seawater" ; rho0:units = "kilogram meter-3" ; float smean ; smean:long_name = "mean salinity subtracted during computations" ; smean:units = "PSU" ; float zc1 ; zc1:long_name = "shallowest depth of the coordinate interface" ; zc1:units = "centimeter" ; float zc2 ; zc2:long_name = "deepest depth of the coordinate interface" ; zc2:units = "centimeter" ; float zref ; zref:long_name = "reference depth for coordinate interface" ; zref:units = "centimeter" ; float zslope ; zslope:long_name = "slope parameter of the coordinate interface" ; float dvbrlx ; dvbrlx:long_name = "V-grid boundary relaxation spatial scale" ; dvbrlx:units = "grid points" ; dvbrlx:shut_off = 0.f ; float tvbrlx ; tvbrlx:long_name = "V-grid boundary relaxation temporal scale" ; tvbrlx:units = "seconds" ; tvbrlx:shut_off = 0.f ; float dtbrlx ; dtbrlx:long_name = "T-grid boundary relaxation spatial scale" ; dtbrlx:units = "grid points" ; dtbrlx:shut_off = 0.f ; float ttbrlx ; ttbrlx:long_name = "T-grid boundary relaxation temporal scale" ; ttbrlx:units = "seconds" ; ttbrlx:shut_off = 0.f ; float dcsfrc ; dcsfrc:long_name = "Coastal friction spatial scale" ; dcsfrc:units = "grid points" ; dcsfrc:shut_off = 0.f ; float tcsfrc ; tcsfrc:long_name = "Coastal friction temporal scale" ; tcsfrc:units = "seconds" ; tcsfrc:shut_off = 0.f ; float dbtfrc ; dbtfrc:long_name = "Bottom friction spatial scale" ; dbtfrc:units = "model levels" ; dbtfrc:shut_off = 0.f ; float tbtfrc ; tbtfrc:long_name = "Bottom friction temporal scale" ; tbtfrc:units = "seconds" ; tbtfrc:shut_off = 0.f ; int iflag(usrdim1) ; iflag:long_name = "initialization flags" ; int iopt(usrdim1) ; iopt:long_name = "tunable options and switches" ; int iout(usrdim2) ; iout:long_name = "switches specifing which PE fields to write out" ; int outlev(outlev) ; outlev:long_name = "output vertical levels or depths" ; outlev:units = "meters, if value is greater than number of levels" ; float zclima(tslev) ; zclima:long_name = "depths of mean TS profile" ; zclima:units = "meter" ; float tclima(tslev) ; tclima:long_name = "mean temperature profile" ; tclima:units = "Celsius" ; tclima:field = "mean temperature, scalar" ; tclima:positions = "zclima" ; float sclima(tslev) ; sclima:long_name = "mean salinity profile" ; sclima:units = "PSU" ; sclima:field = "mean salinity, scalar" ; sclima:positions = "zclima" ; float refz(level) ; refz:long_name = "depths at center of the flat grid vertical boxes" ; refz:units = "meter" ; float hz(level) ; hz:long_name = "thicknesses of the flat grid vertical boxes" ; hz:units = "meter" ; float dxt(tlon) ; dxt:long_name = "zonal spacing between tracer points" ; dxt:units = "centimeter" ; float dyt(tlat) ; dyt:long_name = "meridional spacing between tracer points" ; dyt:units = "centimeter" ; float tbath(tlat, tlon) ; tbath:long_name = "bathymetry at tracer points" ; tbath:units = "meter" ; tbath:field = "bathymetry, scalar" ; tbath:positions = "tgrid2" ; int landt(tlat, tlon) ; landt:long_name = "land/sea mask at tracer points" ; landt:option_0 = "land" ; landt:option_1 = "sea" ; landt:field = "Tmask, scalar" ; landt:positions = "tgrid2" ; int landv(vlat, vlon) ; landv:long_name = "land/sea mask at velocity points" ; landv:option_0 = "land" ; landv:option_1 = "boundary" ; landv:option_2 = "sea" ; landv:field = "Vmask, scalar" ; landv:positions = "vgrid2" ; float tgrid2(tlat, tlon, axis2) ; tgrid2:long_name = "2D grid positions at tracer points" ; tgrid2:axis = "1: longitude, 2: latitude" ; tgrid2:units = "degrees_east, degrees_north" ; float vgrid2(vlat, vlon, axis2) ; vgrid2:long_name = "2D grid positions at velocity points" ; vgrid2:axis = "1: longitude, 2: latitude" ; vgrid2:units = "degrees_east, degrees_north" ; float tgrid3(tlat, tlon, outlev, axis3) ; tgrid3:long_name = "3D grid positions at tracer points" ; tgrid3:axis = "1: longitude, 2: latitude, 3: depth" ; tgrid3:units = "degrees_east, degrees_north, meter" ; float vgrid3(vlat, vlon, outlev, axis3) ; vgrid3:long_name = "3D grid positions at velocity points" ; vgrid3:axis = "1: longitude, 2: latitude, 3: depth" ; vgrid3:units = "degrees_east, degrees_north, meter" ; float wtgrid3(tlat, tlon, outlev, axis3) ; wtgrid3:long_name = "3D grid positions at W-tracer points" ; wtgrid3:axis = "1: longitude, 2: latitude, 3: depth" ; wtgrid3:units = "degrees_east, degrees_north, meter" ; float wvgrid3(vlat, vlon, outlev, axis3) ; wvgrid3:long_name = "3D grid positions at W-velocity points" ; wvgrid3:axis = "1: longitude, 2: latitude, 3: depth" ; wvgrid3:units = "degrees_east, degrees_north, meter" ; float dzt(tlat, tlon, level) ; dzt:long_name = "3D tracer box thicknesses" ; dzt:units = "meter" ; float dzv(vlat, vlon, level) ; dzv:long_name = "3D velocity box thicknesses" ; dzv:units = "meter" ; float time(time) ; time:long_name = "time since initialization" ; time:units = "seconds" ; time:field = "time, scalar, series" ; float pbar(time, tlat, tlon) ; pbar:long_name = "transport streamfunction" ; pbar:units = "centimeter3 second-1" ; pbar:field = "transport, scalar, series" ; pbar:positions = "tgrid2" ; pbar:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; pbar:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float vtot(time, vlat, vlon, outlev, vector) ; vtot:long_name = "total velocity" ; vtot:units = "centimeter second-1" ; vtot:field = "total velocity, vector, series" ; vtot:positions = "vgrid3" ; vtot:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; vtot:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float vclin(time, vlat, vlon, outlev, vector) ; vclin:long_name = "baroclinic velocity" ; vclin:units = "centimeter second-1" ; vclin:field = "baroclinic velocity, vector, series" ; vclin:positions = "vgrid3" ; vclin:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; vclin:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float wvsv(time, vlat, vlon, outlev) ; wvsv:long_name = "s-coordinate vertical velocity at WV-points" ; wvsv:units = "centimeter second-1" ; wvsv:field = "V_wvel s-coord, scalar, series" ; wvsv:positions = "wvgrid3" ; wvsv:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; wvsv:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float wvst(time, tlat, tlon, outlev) ; wvst:long_name = "s-coordinate vertical velocity at WT-points" ; wvst:units = "centimeter second-1" ; wvst:field = "T_wvel s-coord, scalar, series" ; wvst:positions = "wtgrid3" ; wvst:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; wvst:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float wvzv(time, vlat, vlon, outlev) ; wvzv:long_name = "vertical velocity at WV-points" ; wvzv:units = "centimeter second-1" ; wvzv:field = "V_wvel, scalar, series" ; wvzv:positions = "vgrid3" ; wvzv:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; wvzv:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float wvzt(time, tlat, tlon, outlev) ; wvzt:long_name = "vertical velocity at WT-points" ; wvzt:units = "centimeter second-1" ; wvzt:field = "T_wvel, scalar, series" ; wvzt:positions = "tgrid3" ; wvzt:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; wvzt:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float qbar(time, tlat, tlon) ; qbar:long_name = "time rate of change of barotropic vorticity" ; qbar:units = "second-1" ; qbar:field = "voticity, scalar, series" ; qbar:positions = "tgrid2" ; qbar:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; qbar:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float mld(time, tlat, tlon) ; mld:long_name = "mixed-layer depth" ; mld:units = "meter" ; mld:field = "mixed-layer, scalar, series" ; mld:positions = "vgrid2" ; mld:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; mld:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float temp(time, tlat, tlon, outlev) ; temp:long_name = "temperature" ; temp:units = "Celsius" ; temp:field = "temperature, scalar, series" ; temp:positions = "tgrid3" ; temp:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; temp:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; float salt(time, tlat, tlon, outlev) ; salt:long_name = "salinity" ; salt:units = "PSU" ; salt:field = "salinity, scalar, series" ; salt:positions = "tgrid3" ; salt:_FillValue = 1.e+35f ; salt:missing_value = 1.e+35f ; // global attributes: :title = "PE MODEL output fields" ; :out_file = "" ; :nrg_file = "" ; :inp_file = "/home/projects2/AOSN2/PE_initial/2003/Feb07/PJH03/" ; :frc_file = "/home/projects2/AOSN2/PE_forcing/2003/Jan06/PJH01/" ; :ass_file = "/home/projects2/AOSN2/PE_initial/2003/Feb14/PJH03/" ; :ass_parm = "oi.dat" ; :type = "PE MODEL" ; :version = "9.6" ; :history = "PE MODEL, Version 9.6, Friday - February 14, 2003 - 5:25:54 pm" ; }