R/V John Martin Data Compared With Point Sur Data

In an effort to compare the R/V John Martin with the R/V Point Sur data, all casts from both data sets which were collected within 10km of one another and within two days of one another have been extracted and plotted. Clicking on the individual plots brings up a large version of the plot. There is no data for R/V John Martin that fits the criteria for comparison (within 10km and 2 days) with the first Point Sur cruise.

Pt. Sur 2Pt. Sur 3
martin_19-21Aug_ptsur_comp_tz.jpg martin_02-02Sep_ptsur_comp_tz.jpg
Pt. Sur 2Pt. Sur 3
martin_19-21Aug_ptsur_comp_sz.jpg martin_02-02Sep_ptsur_comp_sz.jpg