In an effort to compare the Scripps Glider with the R/V Point Sur data, all casts from both data sets which were collected within 5km of one another and within two days of one another have been extracted and plotted. Plots have been made using both the up and down casts from the gliders and using only the upcasts. These plots have been made from the SPRAY files as recently released. No additional processing has been performed. The Point Sur data has been binned to 1m and slightly smoothed. Note that there are a couple of casts which are limited to surface and deep points only, leading to a straight line which connects the top and bottom of the cast. These casts will be eliminated before further use. Clicking on the individual plots brings up a large version of the plot.
There is no data for comparison between SPRAY07 and the third Point Sur cruise.
The plots for these comparisons have been generated utilizing the data released on 8 December 2003.