%% ---------- Update Log ---------------------------------------------- 14 Dec, 2016 trajectories2_XX.mat files Changes: 1. NodeRho can no longer be used to relate positions of particles to initial grid as all particles as tk(1) lying outside of mask are now removed to reduce variable sizes. 2. Variables common to previos mat files such as velocity information and their grids are not stored in the above mat files to limit their size. They can be retrieved from the previous mat files. %% ---------- Description of contents --------------------------------- Trajectory positions through time in lat and lon: psit_lat 97344x150 116812800 double psit_lon 97344x150 116812800 double To obtain the lat position of particles, psi_lat = psit_lat(:,m); and similarly lon position of particles, psi_lon = psit_lon(:,m); where the time is tk(m) [see below] Time series for the trajectories (calculated in seconds considering July1 0000Z as 0): tk 1x150 1200 double Trajectory positions through time in X and Y: psixt 97344x150 116812800 double psiyt 97344x150 116812800 double Limits of latitude and longitude over which domain defined: lat 36x1 288 double lon 39x1 312 double Time series of the velocity files (calculated in seconds considering July1 0000Z as 0):: tk_data 1x4416 35328 double Velocity files as defined on a C-grid: ut 1520x4416 53698560 double vt 1517x4416 53592576 double To read: In MATLAB u = ut(:,2); U = u(Nodeu); will give the x-component of velocity on the grid defined by XU and YU (see below) at time tk_data(2) Following Node matrices are used to read the velocities Nodeu 38x40 12160 double Nodev 37x41 12136 double Masks as a function of time given in tk_data: Maskt 4416x36x39 49600512 double E.g. To obtain the mask at time tk_data(m) mask = squeeze(Maskt(m,:,:)); will give the mask on the grid defined by X_grid and Y_grid (see below) where 0 corresponds to a hole in data and 1 as a valid data point Node Matrix to relate the positions of particles onto initial grid: NodeRho 312x312 778752 double XP 36x39 11232 double XPtrue 38x41 12464 double XU 36x38 10944 double XUtrue 38x40 12160 double XV 35x39 10920 double XVtrue 37x41 12136 double X_grid 36x39 11232 double YP 36x39 11232 double YPtrue 38x41 12464 double YU 36x38 10944 double YUtrue 38x40 12160 double YV 35x39 10920 double YVtrue 37x41 12136 double Y_grid 36x39 11232 double