Company compilers debugger profiler extras seats cpus cost support cost
Absoft fortran(77/90/95) Fx3 (gui) none BLAS, LAPACK, ATLAS, HDF5 and PLplot graphics 2 UL $1025 +1yr $799
4 UL $2050 +1yr $1099
8 UL $3320 +1yr $1995
Intel fortran(77/90/95), C++       2 UL $1658 1yr $0
4 $3316
8 $6456
  none? trace analyze/ collector MPI Lib, BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, Sparse Solvers, FFT, Vector Math 20 $2852
PathScale fortran(77/90/95), C, C++ PathDB (line) none PathOpt2(compiler options), BLAS, LAPACK, FFT, Opt Numeric fn lib, Perpetual Right to Use 2 UL $3540 +2yr $1420
4 $7080 $2840
8 $12744 $5680
PGI fortran(77/90/95), C, C++ PGDBG (gui) PGPROF (gui) MPICH1/MPICH2, ScaLAPACK, BLAS, LAPACK, TORQUE, CDK media kit 5 256/seat $12299 1yr $3150
2 256/seat $6549 1yr $1680
5 64/seat $7599 1yr $1950
10 64/seat $14199 1yr $3650
Allinea none DDT (gui)   none 2 64/seat $9890 1yr $1978
  OPT (gui) 5 64/seat $4934 1yr $987