Test /home/phaley/.... /gdata/projects/... short PE run 0:08:09 5:48:36 Matlab large save 0:01:19 0:01:17 (all at once) Matlab ASCII write 0:02:39 0:02:52 (PE granularity) Matlab NetCDF write 0:11:16 0:16:00 (PE granularity) (sync'ing) -------------------------------------------------------- tests on local disks Matlab NetCDF write 0:11:44 (PE granularity) (sync'ing) compute-8-7 -------------------------------------------------------- Fortran writes (see test_write.f for code) Write six (nx,nz) arrays for each (ny) slab (nt) times NX NY NZ NT /home/wgleslie/temp/ /gdata/WGL 185 168 70 9 0:00:02 0:00:10 185 168 70 18 0:00:10 0:00:16 1850 168 70 18 0:01:12 0:01:41 1850 168 70 36 0:02:27 0:03:20 Using an array of 185x168x70 and writing six arrays for each j slab nine times: On mseas, writing to file in home area: Mon Mar 7 09:47:17 EST 2011 Mon Mar 7 09:47:19 EST 2011 On mseas, writing to /gdata/WGL: Mon Mar 7 09:58:42 EST 2011 Mon Mar 7 09:58:52 EST 2011 On compute-1-8, writing to /state/partition1/WGL: Mon Mar 7 10:02:47 EST 2011 Mon Mar 7 10:02:50 EST 2011 On compute-9-10, writing to /state/partition1/WGL: Mon Mar 7 10:04:18 EST 2011 Mon Mar 7 10:04:20 EST 2011 Note the 10 seconds when writing to /gdata versus 2-3 seconds when writing anywhere else. If I do 18 writes instead of nine, the number for the home area goes to seven seconds while that on /gdata goes to seventeen (7 vs 17). If I do this test 10 times in succession, I get an average of ten seconds for the /home writes and sixteen seconds for the /gdata write. If the nptsx is changed from 185 to 1850, the numbers increase to 1:12 for /mseas and 1:41 for the /gdata writes. If 36 writes are done and nptsx is kept at 1850, the numbers further increase to 2:27 for /mseas and 3:20 for /gdata.