subroutine cnvmix(j) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine sets up the coefficients for constant vertical === c diffusion of momentum (VVC) and tracers (VDC). === c (Adapted from MOM) === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #ifdef explicitvmix # include # include # include #else # include #endif #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,k,j #ifdef explicitvmix FLOAT * dttmax,dtumax,fx,pdtt,pdtu,pvdc,pvvc,small,vdcmax,vdcri, * vvcmax,vvcri parameter (small=c1em8) #endif c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c do 10 k=1,km do 10 i=1,imt vdc(i,k)=fkph vvc(i,k)=fkpm 10 continue c #ifdef explicitvmix c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Determine numerical stability based on vertical viscosity/diffusion c coefficients: c Av dt/(dz^2) < 0.25 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if(itt.eq.1) then do 60 k=1,km do 60 i=1,imt if(vdc(i,k).gt.small) then fx=dzqz(i,k,0)**2 vdcri=c4*dtts*vdc(i,k)/fx if( then write(stdout,20) i,j,k 20 format(' Exceeded vertical diffusion stability criteria', * ' at (i,j,k) = ',i3,',',i3,',',i3) vdcmax=fx/(c4*dtts) pvdc=abs(c100*vdc(i,k)/vdcmax) dttmax=fx/(c4*vdc(i,k)) pdtt=abs(c100*dtts/dttmax) write(stdout,30) pvdc,vdcmax,pdtt,dttmax 30 format(' Av reached ',f8.2,'% of the stability limit ', * '(',g15.8,')',/ * ' DTTS reached ',f8.2,'% of the stability limit ', * '(',g15.8,')') call exitus('CNVMIX') endif endif if(vvc(i,k).gt.small) then fx=dzvqz(i,k,0)**2 vvcri=c4*dtuv*vvc(i,k)/fx if( then write(stdout,40) i,j,k 40 format(' Exceeded vertical viscosity stability criteria', * ' at (i,j,k) = ',i3,',',i3,',',i3) vvcmax=fx/(c4*dtuv) pvvc=abs(c100*vvc(i,k)/vvcmax) dtumax=fx/(c4*vvc(i,k)) pdtu=abs(c100*dtuv/dtumax) write(stdout,50) pvvc,vvcmax,pdtu,dtumax 50 format(' Av reached ',f8.2,'% of the stability limit ', * '(',g15.8,')',/ * ' DTUV reached ',f8.2,'% of the stability limit ', * '(',g15.8,')') call exitus('CNVMIX') endif endif 60 continue endif #else c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Determine mixed-layer depth, and set vertical mixing coefficients to c WVMIX and WDMIX within the mixed layer. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call mixlayer(j) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Compute vertical gradient in potential density and determine vertical c gravitational stability, and if unstable set the vertical mixing c coefficients to VVCLIM and VDCLIM. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if(j.eq.1) then call pdenvgrad (tb(1,1,1),tb(1,1,2),tdepth(1,1,jrs), & dzzqz(1,1,jrs),drho) else do 65 i=1,imt do 65 k=1,km drho(i,k)=drhop(i,k) 65 continue endif call pdenvgrad (tbp(1,1,1),tbp(1,1,2),tdepth(1,1,jrn), & dzzqz(1,1,jrn),drhop) call convect(j) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Set viscosity and diffusivity to zero in land. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #ifndef barotropic do 70 k=1,kmm1 do 70 i=2,imtm1 vvc(i,k)=gm(i,k+1)*vvc(i,k) vdc(i,k)=fm(i,k+1)*vdc(i,k) 70 continue #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Set viscosity and diffusivity at level KM. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 80 i=2,imtm1 vvc(i,km)=c0 vdc(i,km)=c0 80 continue #endif return end