README Notes on the data: 1) They were obtained from the MSEAS-PE model simulation 08 Apr 2013, SW01/AW01 2) Both domains have uniform horizontal grids (either 1 km or 3 km spacing). 3) Velocity is rotated 30 degrees counter-clockwise from East/North. I.e., model velocity can be rotated to East/North velocity using the following pseudo code: U=complex(u,v)*exp(i*30/180*pi); u=real(U); v=imag(U); Notes about the processed data 1) Velocity and pressure structure: i) the first axes indicates the time (divided into 60-h periods) ii) The second and third axes are horizontal location iii) The fourth axes is mode number minus 1. I.e., mode-0 is index 1, mode-1 is index 2, etc... iv) The Matlab squeeze() function is useful for plotting and reducing extra dimensions. 2) Velocity in m/s and pressure in Pascals are complex amplitudes such that: p = Re(p)*cos(omega*t) + Im(p)*sin(omega*t) i) Amplitude is: abs(Ptot) ii) Phase is: angle(Ptot) iii) Time averaged variance (i.e., energy, energy-flux) is: 1/2*real(Ptot*conj(Ptot)); 3) c is eigenspeed in m/s. multiply (divide) by sqrt(1-f^2/omega^2) to obtain group (phase) speed 4) Cn is energy conversion in W/m^2. The sign convention is positive where energy is going into that mode (from all other modes). E.g., mode-0 conversion is almost all negative, indicating energy is being lost to other modes. Mode-1 conversion is positive at the shelfbreak, primarily indicating that mode-0 energy is being transfered into mode-1. 5) Coherent signals refer to the portion of the signal that maintains a constant phase/amplitude relationship to the TPXO tidal forecast. Coherent amplitudes and phases vary from one 62-h period to the next due to spring-neap modulation in the "semidiurnal band" of the TPXO forecast. The noncoherent signals are just total minus coherent.