#!/bin/bash #$ -cwd #$ -V #$ -j y #$ -o lcs.log #$ -S /bin/bash #$ -l mem_free=200G # Run multiple LCS computations (flow maps and FTLE) with the start date stating from startDate_start until startDate_end. # Each LCS computation uses a time window of timeWindow (in days) # The start date is shifted by an amount startDay_shift (in days) for each computation until the start date equals startDate_end # Results are stored in the corresponding directories in WorkDir # IMPORTANT: If you want to use data from PE velocities interpolated on flat levels, then provide the correct input *.nc file, # and also provide the depth value at which the computation is to be done, as a parameter to the function. solver='1' # 1 for PDE, 2 for trajectories PEFile='/projects/dri_calypso/Product/Pe4LCS/2019Apr06R002/pe_out_2_140m_R200deg_w_long.nc' # Location of the PE output file startDate_start='[2019 04 07 12 00 00]' # Start of the starting date of the LCS computation startDate_end='[2019 04 07 12 00 00]' # End of the starting date of the LCS computation startDay_shift='Inf' # Shift in the start date (in days) for each of the LCS computation (start date goes from startDate_start to startDate_end) timeWindow='96.0/24' # Time window (in days) of the LCS computation plot_depth_idx='[]' # Depth indices at which plots are to be made (0 for surface, [] for all depths) clim='[]' # Colormap limits (leave empty for automatic choice) echo Simulation started on $(date) matlab -nosplash -nodesktop<