Analysis and Forecasts for 05 Apr 1200Z to 10 Apr 0000Z 2019, Issued 05 Apr 2019

MSEAS 1/200-deg tidally-forced forecasts downscaled from CMEMS

Click on any depth label for a full set of plots.

Note: The units of vertical velocity are m/day; of horizontal velocity, cm/s.

Snapshot Time-Series of the Estimated Ocean State (every 6 hours)
Full Modeling Domain (1/200° resolution)
Horiz. Velocity Temperature Salinity
Horiz. Velocity Temperature Salinity Vert. Velocity
Horiz. Velocity Temperature Salinity Vert. Velocity
Horiz. Velocity Temperature Salinity Vert. Velocity
Horiz. Velocity Temperature Salinity Vert. Velocity
Vorticity, Barotropic Velocity, and Surface Elevation
2m Vorticity Barotropic Velocity Surface Elevation

To obtain the MSEAS files, contact the MSEAS group.

The file names can be interpreted as follows (all times are in UTC):

          time of last
        analysis field          time of last
         in simulation        fields in file
            yyyymmddHH            yyyymmddHH
                       yyyymmddHH            HH
                    time of first    frequency with which
                   fields in file  fields are stored in file

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