MSEAS Probabilistic Analysis and Forecasts for 23 Apr 0400Z to 25 Apr 1600Z 2021, Issued 21 Apr 2021
MSEAS 600m Probabilistic Ocean Forecasts (tidally-forced forecasts downscaled from HYCOM)
Physics-balanced stochastic models and ESSE dominant subspace decompositions are used to represent uncertainties in the initial and boundary conditions for plume, T, S, u, v fields, in the atmospheric surface forcing flux fields, and in the tidal forcing parameters.
Click on any depth label for a full set of plots.
Snapshot Time-Series of the ESSE Ensemble Standard Deviations (every 6 hours) |
Full Modeling Domain (600m resolution) |
0m |
Velocity | Temperature | Salinity |
![](STDEV/0000m/ccnt_V0000mFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/0000m/ccnt_T0000mFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/0000m/ccnt_S0000mFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
75m |
Velocity | Temperature | Salinity |
![](STDEV/0075m/ccnt_V0075mFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/0075m/ccnt_T0075mFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/0075m/ccnt_S0075mFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
Bottom |
Plume | Velocity | Temperature | Salinity |
![](STDEV/Bot/ccnt_PBotFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/Bot/ccnt_VBotFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/Bot/ccnt_TBotFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
![](STDEV/Bot/ccnt_SBotFull_EnsStdFct_001_small.gif) |
Snapshot Time-Series of the ESSE Ensemble Means (every 6 hours) |
Full Modeling Domain (600m resolution) |
0m |
Velocity | Temperature | Salinity |
![](MEAN/0000m/ccnt_V0000mFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/0000m/ccnt_T0000mFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/0000m/ccnt_S0000mFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
75m |
Velocity | Temperature | Salinity |
![](MEAN/0075m/ccnt_V0075mFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/0075m/ccnt_T0075mFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/0075m/ccnt_S0075mFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
Bottom |
Plume | Velocity | Temperature | Salinity |
![](MEAN/Bot/ccnt_PBotFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/Bot/ccnt_VBotFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/Bot/ccnt_TBotFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
![](MEAN/Bot/ccnt_SBotFull_EnsMeanFct_001_small.gif) |
To obtain the MSEAS ESSE ensemble files, contact the MSEAS group.