MSEAS Probabilistic Analysis and Forecasts for 21 Jul 1200Z to 22 Jul 1200Z 2024, Issued 21 Jul 2024

MSEAS 2.4km Probabilistic Ocean Forecasts (atmospheric and tidally-forced forecasts initialized from both downscaled Mercator and downscaled HYCOM)

To obtain the large-ensemble 2-way nested forecasts, physics-balanced stochastic models and ESSE dominant subspace decompositions are used to represent the dominant uncertainties in the initial and boundary conditions for the MSEAS T, S, u, v, w, and η fields downscaled from HYCOM and Mercator, in the MSEAS model parameters, in the atmospheric surface forcing flux fields, and in the tidal forcing parameters.

Ensemble Mean Ensemble Standard Deviation

Click on any depth label for a full set of plots.

Note: The units of horizontal velocity are cm/s.

Snapshot Time-Series of the ESSE Ensemble Standard Deviations (every 12 hours)
NW Atlantic Modeling Domain (2.4km resolution)
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity

Snapshot Time-Series of the ESSE Ensemble Means (every 12 hours)
NW Atlantic Modeling Domain (2.4km resolution)
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity
Sound SpeedSigma-THoriz. VelocityTemperatureSalinity

To obtain the MSEAS ESSE ensemble files, contact the MSEAS group.

The file names can be interpreted as follows (all times are in UTC):

          time of last
        analysis field          time of last
         in simulation        fields in file
            yyyymmddHH            yyyymmddHH
                       yyyymmddHH            HH
                    time of first    frequency with which
                   fields in file  fields are stored in file

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