Barotropic Tides

Barotropic tidal estimates are obtained from the solution of shallow water equations over high resolution bathymetry. We have utilized the highest resolution product available to us. The computational code is described in Logutov (2008) and Logutov and Lermusiaux (2008).

These barotropic tides force our primitive-equation simulations at the open boundaries. For limited regional-scale basins the tidal forcing occurs pre-dominantly through the open boundary conditions and the contribution of the astronomical tidal forcing inside the domain is negligible.

Below, we provide barotopic tide forecasts at the Gateway Buoy site.

Gateway Buoy Site: U and V components of velocity, sea surface height

A movie of the barotropic tidal velocities at three-hour intervals for the period 1-15 November is shown below. Click on the image to enlarge and start the movie.

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