National Data Buoy Center
Real-Time links to moored buoy & C-MAN stations. As of 29 November 2000,
active stations were located off the US coasts (including Alaska & Hawaii)
and in the Great Lakes.
GTSPP Realtime Data Sets
Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program. Real-time repository (typically
a 3 day lag) of an international
project (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United
States). Hosted by NODC
SeaView Data Pioneer Array & Hawaii. Might be more of an archive than real-time.
Ocean Remote Sensing Group
AVHRR Page Johns Hopkins University. Sea Surface Temperature images
for the western North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas.
CCAR Near-Real-Time Altimeter Data Homepage
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research.
University of Colorado, Boulder. Near real-time images of Sea Surface Height,
Significant Wave Height and Wind Speed. Global coverage with user specified
AFMIS Data Inventory University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.
Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Color for western North Atlantic.
SST is real-time, SSC has a 14-day contractual delay.
National Data Buoy Center
In addition to records from the active stations there are records from former
stations in the Western Pacific, off the coast of Chile and in the Caribbean.
PO.DAAC SeaWinds on QuikSCAT
July 1999 to present. Wind fields can be as recent as a day. Wind
stress can be as recent as 2 days old, but usually more out of date.
Gridded data on ¼°
Gulf of Maine Information System University of New Hampshire (UNH), the
Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Dartmouth College, and the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS).