Creating a synoptic scale initialization for current conditions
from SMAST (2004) |
The Gulf of Maine has a number of key features that are not
representable in a global scale climate model. Several of the
more important features have been generally described
(Gangopadhyay et al., 2002) as:
- The Maine Coastal Current.
- A buoyancy driven coastal flow originating
from the Scotian shelf and fed by river outflow.
- The shelf/slope Front.
- A frontal boundary separating the cool fresh
shelf waters from the warm saline ocean water on the continental slope.
- The Jordan Basin Gyre.
- A cyclonic gyre in the Jordan Basin of the
Gulf of Maine (NE corner, in front of the Bay of Fundy).
- The Georges Basin Gyre.
- A cyclonic gyre in the Georges Basin of the
Gulf of Maine (central, north of Georges Bank).
- The Wilkison Basin Gyre.
- A cyclonic gyre in the Wilkison Basin of the
Gulf of Maine (NW corner, in front of Massachusetts Bay).
- A number of regions of tidal mixing fronts and their induced flows
Another review (Brown & Irish, 1992) indicates that the number and
direction of the gyres in the Gulf of Maine is more variable. It was decided
- Use feature models to create initial estimates of the Maine Coastal
Current and the Shelfbreak Front.
- Use the dynamical model to generate the gyres and tidal mixing fronts.
The feature models provide a semi-analytic representation of the desired
structures. The larger scale shelf/slope front proceeds in the following
- Create an estimate of the
shelf conditions.
- Create an estimate of the
slope conditions.
- Join these 2 estimates across the
shelf/slope front.
The feature models fields are then processed for initializing the
HOPS PE model. This processing includes:
- Vertical interpolation of the temperature and salinity fields to the
HOPS terrain following grid.
- Construction of initial velocity fields from adjusted geostrophic streamfunction.
- Differentiate streamfunction to produce adjusted geostrophic velocities.
- Vertically interpolating velocities to terrain following grid.
- Decomposing interpolated velocities to depth averaged velocity,
U1, and remainder, u'.
- Adjusting barotropic velocity so total bottom velocity is parallel
to isobaths
- U2 = U1 - (U1+u'bottom)
· gradient(h)/||gradient(h)||
- where
- h is the bottom topography
- Taking the curl of U2 to force a Poisson equation for a
transport streamfunction. From this a barotropic velocity, U, is derived
with zero divergence of the transport.
Brown, W.S. & J.D. Irish (1992) The Annual Evolution of Geostrophic
Flow in the Gulf of Maine 1986-1987. J. Phys. Oceanog., 22,
Gangopadhyay, A., A.R. Robinson, P.J. Haley, Jr., W.G. Leslie, C.J. Lozano, J.J. Bisagni & Z. Yu (2002)
Feature-oriented regional modeling and simulations (FORMS) in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank.
Continental Shelf Research,
23(3-4), 317-353.
SMAST (2004) Regional Modeling Activities in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank.
Smith, P.C. & J.W. Loder (1991) Physical Oceanography of the Northwest Atlantic Continental Margin.
in "GLOBEC Canada/U.S. Meeting on N.W. Atlantic Fisheries and
Climate" Report Number 2.