This is a static copy of a profile report


Profile Summary
Generated 04-Aug-2014 13:05:06 using cpu time.

Function NameCallsTotal TimeSelf Time*Total Time Plot
(dark band = self time)
FluidsSolver2_DO313804.715 s1820.722 s
UVadvect_TVD_mex66420919.034 s234.801 s
SCAadvect_TVD_mex66420893.183 s264.979 s
UVadvect_TVD_mx (MEX-file)66420684.232 s684.232 s
SCAadvect_TVD_mx (MEX-file)66420628.205 s628.205 s
Grad2D_uv164057.877 s57.877 s
Bottom_Gravity_Current_Plot_DO2132.499 s32.499 s
DOorthnorm2032.415 s29.091 s
Grad2D_P164025.624 s25.624 s
Bottom_Gravity_Current_Setup6DO115.399 s0.045 s
BGC_DO_simsvdIC114.681 s14.487 s
mom_thrd206.500 s6.500 s
fliplr4033.285 s3.285 s
Diffusion_Operator41.054 s1.041 s
Bottom_Gravity_Current_Setup610.673 s0.511 s
mean8410.220 s0.220 s
symamd40.220 s0.032 s
sparfun/private/symamdmex (MEX-file)40.175 s0.168 s
num2str1400.071 s0.039 s
set_bcs10.065 s0.013 s
translate_Node40.052 s0.052 s
NodePad10.045 s0.039 s
cov610.039 s0.039 s
pinv200.039 s0.039 s
fullfile1210.032 s0.026 s
meshdomain10.019 s0.006 s
num2str>strvrcat1200.019 s0.013 s
normrnd400.019 s0.019 s
meshgrid30.013 s0.013 s
num2str>cellPrintf1200.013 s0.013 s
kron80.013 s0.013 s
etree (MEX-file)40.013 s0.013 s
fullfile>addTrailingFileSep1210.006 s0.006 s
fileparts10.006 s0.006 s
...x>a1)&(y<=max(0,(a1-x)*tan_theta+b1))10.006 s0.006 s
maskuv10.006 s0.006 s
str2num10.006 s0.006 s
.../(1-exp(rhodk.*(b1-b))).*forcing(X,Y)10.006 s0.006 s
.../(1-exp(rhodk.*(b1-b))).*forcing(X,Y)10.006 s0.006 s
fullfile>ensureTrailingFilesep1210.006 s0.000 s
strjust1200.006 s0.006 s
spparms80.006 s0.006 s
pwd10 s0.000 s
fullfile>refinePath1210 s0.000 s
filesep3640 s0.000 s
ispc1220 s0.000 s
linspace60 s0.000 s
/gdata/...ver2_DO3/@(x,y)(x<=a1)&(y<=b1)10 s0.000 s
bc_str2num200 s0.000 s
bc_maxrule40 s0.000 s
init_bcs40 s0.000 s
strtok10 s0.000 s
str2num>protected_conversion10 s0.000 s
/gdata/...ver2_DO3/@(x,y)(x<=a2)&(y>=b1)20 s0.000 s
FluidsSolver2_DO3>@(X,Y)zeros(size(X))20 s0.000 s
num2str>handleNumericPrecision200 s0.000 s
num2str>convertUsingRecycledSprintf200 s0.000 s
stats/private/statsizechk (MEX-file)400 s0.000 s
..._DO3>create@(t,XY)zeros(size(XY,1),1)10 s0.000 s
...olver2_DO3>@(t,XY)zeros(size(XY,1),1)10 s0.000 s
spalloc20 s0.000 s
DOInit10 s0.000 s
FluidsSolver2_DO3>@(t,XY)0400 s0.000 s

Self time is the time spent in a function excluding the time spent in its child functions. Self time also includes overhead resulting from the process of profiling.