Real-Time MIT Product and Descriptive Pages for QPE IOP09
Nx2d Canyon Run Acoustic Forecasts for 8 September 1500Z and 2100Z, Issued 7 September 2009
The area shown in each picture is a 10 km wide and 15 km long box. The OMAS starting point is the center of upper boundary (SHRU location), and heading down 150 degree due north to
the south-east. The blue dash line is suppose to be the OMAS track. Source location is indicated by a hexagram marker. There are 6 different OMAS source locations for each TL map; about
3 km each in 15 km distance. At each source location, N by 2D is set up with a 900 Hz source at 100 m depth propagating to 15 km distance in 180 directions
(every 2 degree bearing angles in whole circle), and then project to this horizontal map and certain depth. Two depths averaged over 27 ±10m and 61 ±10 m are shown;
also two different style of TL map are shown, one is with cylindrical spreading loss, one is without.
Forecast for 8 Sep. 15Z
Source at 50m |
Location 1 |
Location 2 |
Location 3 |
Location 4 |
Location 5 |
Location 6 |
Receiver at 27m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 27m - No Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - No Spreading Loss |
Source at 100m |
Location 1 |
Location 2 |
Location 3 |
Location 4 |
Location 5 |
Location 6 |
Receiver at 27m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 27m - No Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - No Spreading Loss |
Forecast for 8 Sep. 21Z
Source at 50m |
Location 1 |
Location 2 |
Location 3 |
Location 4 |
Location 5 |
Location 6 |
Receiver at 27m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 27m - No Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - No Spreading Loss |
Source at 100m |
Location 1 |
Location 2 |
Location 3 |
Location 4 |
Location 5 |
Location 6 |
Receiver at 27m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 27m - No Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - Spreading Loss |
Receiver at 61m - No Spreading Loss |