In the spring semester of 2021, amidst the upheaval of remote education, the members of class 2.29 “Numerical Fluid Mechanics” navigated the challenges of online learning with grace and resilience. Led by their dedicated Professor Pierre Lermusiaux, supported by TA’s Aaron Charous and Corbin Foucart and administrative assistant Lisa Maxwell, the class embraced virtual tools to foster engagement and collaboration.
Throughout the semester, they engaged actively in discussions and presentations using digital platforms. Despite the challenges of distance, the class maintained a sense of camaraderie and enthusiasm. During the final project presentations, Lisa’s ukulele performance added a memorable touch. Singing the lyrics she penned, Lisa’s song served as a heartfelt reminder of their shared journey through remote learning.
The 2.29 Song
Oh yeah we're 2.29
We had our whole class online
In the Spring of '21
Pierre taught twice a week
In a Zoom room he would speak
Can't believe the semester's gone!
Pierre buzzed like a bee
to keep us awake...THAT'S SO MIT!
Where were you at 11:35...?
Crank Nicholson's a finite
Dynamics you're dynamite
It's pahDAY (not PAHday)
you need to derive!
There were equations Euler
(that's quasilinear!),
Taylor Tables and fluid flow...
The first derivative? Give me a sedative!
Let me say (implicitly and explicitly)
where you can go!
That's right we're 2.29!
We had class all online
in the Spring of '21.
We learned lots and lots,
now we're dynamics Hot Shots!
Thanks for being so much fun!