Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux has been invited to give a webinar on 19 January 2022, 7:30am EST about “Bayesian Learning of High-Dimensional Dynamical Models” for the AI Chair OceaniX webinar series.
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Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux has been invited to give a webinar on 19 January 2022, 7:30am EST about “Bayesian Learning of High-Dimensional Dynamical Models” for the AI Chair OceaniX webinar series.
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is presenting a talk on Monday July 8 at the 2013 SIAM annual meeting, entitled “Uncertainty Predictions, Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation and Bayesian Inference of Dynamical Model Equations”. This talk is being given in the session on “Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Modeling and Prediction”.
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) of climate system forecasts presents challenges in mathematics, intertwined with limitations in observations and understanding of the system. Our goal is to provide a forum for this diverse community to discuss ideas for advancing the science of UQ in climate modeling and many of its components. Topics of interest include UQ in a hierarchical set of climate models, representing uncertainties in coupled climate system models, risk assessment strategies, use of new approaches such as information theoretic metrics/simplified stochastic models for UQ, assimilation and calibration for UQ of initial and forcing fields.