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Optimal Ship Routing for Crossing the Atlantic

Speaker: Gianandrea Mannarini
[Announcement (PDF)]
Speaker Affiliation: Scientist, Fondazione CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici)
Divisione OPA (Ocean Predictions and Applications)
Lecce, Italy

Date: Thursday August 11, 2016 at 3 p.m in 5-234


The purpose of this work is to develop a numerical model that calculates the efficient and safe routes for a vessel to take across the Atlantic Ocean. Existing software exists to perform this task, but it could be significantly improved by building on the experience gained with the open-source model VISIR-I (www.visir-model.net) and the oceanographic datasets of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (http://marine.copernicus.eu/). In particular, the VISIR model has been evolved into a new code in Python and the path optimization is now solved on a non-uniform unstructured grid. The new code will start employing the CMCC CGLORS reanalysis of ocean circulation at ¼ deg, while other relevant environmental fields will be added later on. The new code will be used for achieving the goals of H-2020 project AtlantOS Task 8.3, which includes the capacity to compute safe routes optimizing the economic cost of navigation through use of dynamic environmental information.


Gianandrea’s research activity aims to improve Maritime Transportation by means of Decision Support Systems. Together with colleagues of the TESSA and IONIO projects, he designed and implemented VISIR, a ship routing model for safer and more efficient navigation, and presently leads its scientific and operational development. As a model, VISIR’s source code is made publicly available following the guidelines of the Free and Open Source Software. As an operational system, VISIR already has an operational implementation in the Mediterranean Sea.


VISIR (discoVerIng Safe and effIcient Routes) for Ship Routing

Speaker: Gianandrea Mannarini
[Announcement (PDF)]
Speaker Affiliation: Scientist, Fondazione CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici)
Divisione OPA (Ocean Predictions and Applications)
Lecce, Italy

Date: Tuesday August 9, 2016 at 3 p.m in 5-234


VISIR (discoVerIng Safe and effIcient Routes) is a fully open ship routing model. This is achieved through a GPL licensing of the source code and a detailed model documentation on open-access journals. This way, numerical optimization methods, hydrodynamic effects considered, approximations used, and their ranges of application are documented and made available to the scientific community. At the same time, VISIR model is employed in an operational system linked to the operational provision of oceanographic and weather forecasts. The system also includes customized PC and mobile interfaces for end-users. VISIR’s main architectural choices, the input oceanographic and weather forecasts, and an outline of possible goals for a future community of VISIR developers and users are presented here.


Gianandrea’s research activity aims to improve Maritime Transportation by means of Decision Support Systems. Together with colleagues of the TESSA and IONIO projects, he designed and implemented VISIR, a ship routing model for safer and more efficient navigation, and presently leads its scientific and operational development. As a model, VISIR’s source code is made publicly available following the guidelines of the Free and Open Source Software. As an operational system, VISIR already has an operational implementation in the Mediterranean Sea.


Implicit large eddy simulation of compressible flows using the hybridized discontinuous Galerkin approach

Speaker: Ngoc Cuong Nguyen [Announcement (PDF)]
Speaker Affiliation: Research Scientist
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Center for Computational Engineering
School of Engineering, MIT
Date: Postponed. New Date and Time to be announced soon.


In this talk, we will discuss the recent development of a class of hybridized DG methods for implicit large eddy simulation (ILES) of compressible flows. This class of DG methods encompass the hybridizable DG (HDG) method, the embedded DG (EDG) method, as well as new hybridized DG methods resulting from the marriage of the HDG method and the EDG method. While the HDG method is more accurate and robust that the EDG method, the latter is significantly less expensive than the former. This motives us to combine HDG and EDG to obtain new hybridized DG methods that enjoy the advantages of both HDG and EDG. However, this approach presents challenging issues in terms of domain decomposition preconditioners and parallelization because the resulting linear system has complicated sparsity structure. We will discuss our domain decomposition preconditioner and strategy to address some of the issues and leave other issues for future work. In addition, we will talk about various choices of the stabilization tensor and their influence on both nonlinear and linear convergence. Finally, we present ILES results and validate them against experimental data and other simulation data.

This is the joint work with Pablo Fernandez and Jaime Peraire.


Dr. Nguyen’s current research is focused on efficient methods for simulation of multiscale and multi-physics phenomena across disciplines and on uncertainty quantification techniques for inverse/design problems in engineering. He received his BE degree with first class honors in Aeronautical Engineering from HCMC, University of Technology in 2001, and his Ph.D. degree in High Performance Computation for Engineered Systems from National University of Singapore in 2005. Dr. Nguyen is the author and co-author of more than 25 research articles. He has presented his work in several major conferences, invited talks, and workshops.
