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Bayesian Intelligent Ocean Modeling and Acidification Prediction Systems (BIOMAPS)

P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, Jr.,
A. Gupta, C. Mirabito,
C.K. Kulkarni, M. Doshi

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Project Summary
Ongoing MIT-MSEAS Research
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This research is sponsored by MIT Sea Grant.

Project Summary

The overarching goal of this project is to develop and demonstrate principled Bayesian intelligent ocean modeling and acidification prediction systems that discriminate among and infer new ocean acidification (OA) models, rigorously learning from data-model misfits and accounting for uncertainties, so as better monitor, predict, and characterize OA over time-scales of days to months in the Massachusetts Bay and Stellwagen Bank region.

Background information is available below.

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Ongoing MIT-MSEAS Research

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Background Information

We will leverage our integrated physical-biogeochemical-acoustical modeling system (Multidisciplinary Simulation, Estimation, and Assimilation Systems, MSEAS). This software (Haley and Lermusiaux, 2010; Haley et al., 2015) has been developed over many years but has new unique capabilities aligned with the needs of the MIT Sea Grant theme on OA. These include information-based monitoring, multi-dynamics and multi-resolution modeling, massive real-time ensemble forecasts (105 members) for uncertainty quantification, data fusion and assimilation, Bayesian and deep machine learning of models, and quantitative risk management (Lermusiaux et al, 2007, 2010, 2017a,b; Subramani, 2018). Using historical and synoptic ocean data of opportunity, as well as targeted observations to-be-collected, we will discriminate among competing OA model structures and formulations, i.e. relations that govern the OA state, and learn accurate parameterizations and reaction terms. A difference with respect to prior efforts is that our Bayesian machine learning accounts for uncertainties, providing skill scores for competing models and quantitative risk management. We will utilize idealized and realistic simulations to incubate methods and contrast OA models, but results will be validated using extensive real ocean data.

At the core of MSEAS are three solvers of governing fluid and ocean dynamics equations. The first solver is part of an extensive modeling system for hydrostatic primitive-equation dynamics with a nonlinear free surface and adaptive biogeochemical-ecosystem models. It is used to analyze and quantify tidal-to-large-scale physical and biogeochemical processes over regional domains with complex geometries and varied interactions. The MSEAS capabilities that will be leveraged include: fast-marching coastal objective analysis (Agarwal and Lermusiaux, 2011); estimation of spatial and temporal scales from data (Agarwal, 2009); initializations of fields and ensembles (Lermusiaux et al., 2000; Lermusiaux, 2002; Haley et al., 2015); nested data-assimilative tidal prediction and inversion (Logutov and Lermusiaux, 2008); implicit two-way nesting and tiling (Haley and Lermusiaux, 2010); stochastic subgrid-scale forcing (Lermusiaux, 2006); adaptive data assimilation, sampling and learning (e.g. Lermusiaux, 2007; Schofield et al., 2010); adaptive biogeochemical modeling (Besiktepe et al., 2003; Lermusiaux et al., 2010); Lagrangian coherent structures and their uncertainties (Lermusiaux et al., 2006); and many-task computing and the control of egacy codes (Evangelinos et al., 2006, 2011).

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