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Multiscale Data Assimilation

P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, Jr.,
J. Lin

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ocean Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Project Summary
Ongoing MIT-MSEAS Research
Background Information
Specific Research Tasks


This research is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.

Project Summary

Ocean modeling is the process of developing and utilizing theoretical and computational models for the understanding and prediction of ocean dynamics. Data assimilation is the process of quantitatively estimating dynamically evolving fields by combining information from observations with those predicted by models, ideally respecting nonlinear dynamics and capturing non-Gaussian features, without heuristics or ad hoc approximations. Even though ocean dynamics often involve multiple scales, the theory for rigorous multiscale data assimilation is still in its infancy.

Background information is available below.

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Ongoing MIT-MSEAS Research

Long-Term Goals:

The present project is to research next-generation multiscale data assimilation, with a focus on shelfbreak regions, including non-hydrostatic effects. Our research objectives are to:

  1. Apply our theory and schemes for rigorous optimal path planning and persistent ocean sampling with swarms of autonomous vehicles, and
  2. Further quantify the dynamics and variability of the circulation features and mixed layer, and the responses to monsoon winds, utilizing multi-resolution data-assimilative ocean modeling and process studies.
The proposed research will involve collaborations with NRL, OASIS, Scripps and U.-Hawaii. The collaborators’ roles are represented in their separate proposals.


Presentations and Meetings

MDA-supported Publications

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Background Information

Nonlinear filtering and smoothing are open problems in many disciplines. This is the case in ocean modeling where state dimensions are O(10^6 - 10^9) and even a classic linear Kalman update is not directly feasible. To create an effective nonlinear filter, the MIT group combined its new Dynamically Orthogonal (DO) equations for uncertainty predictions with modern schemes in information theory and learning theory. A novel semi-parametric data assimilation framework was derived based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). In the resulting GMM-DO filter, the mixtures are fit to DO realizations, using an Expectation-Maximization algorithm and a Bayesian Information Criterion. Bayes' Law is then efficiently carried out analytically within the evolving DO subspace. We applied the GMM-DO filter to several time-dependent flows of dimensions O(10^5). We find that it strongly outperforms the Ensemble Kalman Filter and other methods, especially when the number of realizations is small compared to the size of the system and when observations are sparse or noisy. This is very promising since such attributes are common in ocean applications.

We are presently starting to implement our Dynamically Orthogonal (DO) equations into our MSEAS primitive-equation codes, specifically the structured hydrostatic PE code and the finiteelement non-hydrostatic solver. In the last year of this effort, it is possible that NRL will be interested in utilizing some of these schemes.

Our experience with multiscale data assimilation has been to assimilate data at the fastest scale modeled, regardless of the information content present in the observation. In other words, the observation is assimilated at the time it is sampled. However, as mentioned above, it is possible that multiscale connections or probability density functions in time and space would allow a better utilization of such observations. Either these pdf-based connections can be specified a priori or they can be predicted by a multiscale GMM-DO algorithm. Determining the issues and capabilities of these approaches are most relevant to this project.

We have also developed and implemented schemes and software to evaluate uncertainty predictions in the probabilistic sense, by comparisons to observed forecast errors and their probability densities, see http://mseas.mit.edu/Research/ONR6.2/. These schemes could be utilized in the present effort and transferred to NRL and other collaborators.

Specific Research Tasks

The coastal ocean is a prime example of multiscale dynamics. This is a consequence of turbulence, waves, tides, eddies, jets and currents, inflows from rivers, coastal winds inducing upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich waters, and rings and eddies from the deeper ocean drifting onshore, together with various remote influences. The shelfbreak is specifically a region of great interest, across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. This is the focus of this proposal, in part because vertical velocities are often large there while the total depth is still limited, hence leading to potentially significant non-hydrostatic processes.

While traditionally grounded in linear theory and the Gaussian approximation, one recent research thrust for data assimilation has been the development of efficient assimilation methods that respect nonlinear dynamics and capture non-Gaussian features. Most such methods are either challenging to employ with large realistic systems or still based on heuristic hypotheses and ad hoc approximations. Our unique motivation here is to allow for realistic multiscale dynamics while rigorously utilizing the governing dynamical equations with information theory and learning theory for efficient Bayesian inference. To do so, we plan to employ the recent results of the MSEAS-group in such equation-based non-Gaussian data assimilation (Sondergaard and Lermusiaux, 2012a,b), combining the stochastic Dynamically Orthogonal (DO) field equations with semi-parametric Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). The challenge of our research will be to allow for truly multiscale inferences, where observations and models provide information on varied spatial and temporal scales.

Direct Multiscale Filtering and Smoothing

Multi-Resolution Data Assimilation and Scale-Decomposition

Multiscale Adaptive Sampling and Modeling

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