Harvard Pages
Daily real-time analyses from the Harvard Ocean Prediction System
are available from the table at right. Each X represents a product available for
that particular day. Clicking on the X will display that
product. Products are available for both the entire modeling domain, as well
as a zoom on the Monterey Bay region. Available nowcast and forecast
products include maps of temperature
and salinity at 0m, 10m, 30m and 200m (200m only for the complete domain) and
vertical sections of temperature offshore from Point Ano Nuevo, Monterey Bay
and Point Sur for
the date of the nowcast and for one and two day forecasts.
Links on the individual product pages will return here.
The real-time analyses and forecasts are being produced
under the guidance of Prof. Allan R. Robinson. The forecasts
are being carried out at Harvard University by Dr. Patrick J.
Haley, Jr. as well as special operational requests, including forecast skill
metrics. Data processing, data filtering, model-data cross-checks, data analysis
and web pages are the responsibility of Wayne G. Leslie.
Dr. Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux is carrying out the ESSE forecasts and ocean
forecast analysis as well as dynamical/numerical
parameter tuning for HOPS. Valuable assistance in all facets of HOPS work
has been given by: Dr. X. San Liang, Patricia Moreno and Oleg Logoutov.
MBARI Lecture on Quantitative Adaptive Sampling and Improved Predictive Skill
HOPS Fields Plots
Plots of the HOPS Re-Analysis fields for 6 August - 9 September
HOPS Re-Analysis fields for 6 August - 9 September - 2008 version
Plots of the HOPS Re-Analysis fields (Monterey Bay zoom) for 6 August - 9 September
Plots of the Objectively Analyzed Data Composites for 5, 15 and 23 August 2003
Plots of the Objectively Analyzed Data Composites for the Initialization, Update and Verification Surveys
Plots of the Objectively Analyzed Data Daily Assimilation Fields
COAMPS Fields Plots
Plots of COAMPS Wind Stress at hourly intervals: 4 August - 7 September 2003
Plots of COAMPS Heat Flux at hourly intervals: 4 August - 7 September 2003
Plots of COAMPS Water Flux at hourly intervals: 4 August - 7 September 2003
Plots of COAMPS Shortwave Radiation at hourly intervals: 4 August - 7 September 2003
Plots of SST, SSS and SSH from NCOM at one-week intervals during AOSN-II
Plots of SST, SSH and SSH+UV from NLOM at one-week intervals during AOSN-II
Plots of SST from MODAS at one-week intervals during AOSN-II
SSH Plots
Plots of Geostrophic Velocities from SSH from CCAR at one-week intervals during AOSN-II
Plots of SSH Anomalies from CCAR at one-week intervals during AOSN-II
Glider, AUV and data comparison Plots
Plots of 18-hour Composites of Observation Positions from 27 July - 6 September 2003
Plots of all WHOI glider data
Plots of all SIO SPRAY glider data
Comparison Plots of SIO SPRAY glider and Point Sur data
Comparison Plots of John Martin and Point Sur data
Plots of all Dorado AUV data
CTD Survey Plots
R/V Point Sur Survey: 3-6 September 2003
R/V Martin Survey: 2 September 2003
R/V Martin Survey: 29 August 2003
R/V Martin Survey: 27 August 2003
R/V Point Lobos Survey: 26 August 2003
R/V Point Sur Survey: 21-25 August 2003
R/V Martin Surveys: 19-21 August 2003
R/V Martin Survey: 14 August 2003
R/V Martin Survey: 7-8 August 2003
R/V Point Sur Survey: 2-6 August 2003
R/V Martin Survey: 15-16 July 2003
R/V Western Flyer Survey: 7-11 July 2003
CIMT Cruise - August 19-20, 2003 - during AOSN-II
Plots of Wind, Temperature, Salinity and Density at M1 and M2 during AOSN-II
Plots of Tidal Predictions for August 2003
SST for 17 July 2003 From F. Chavez
SeaWiFS for 16 July 2003 From F. Chavez
SST for 14 July 2003 From F. Chavez
SeaWiFS for 14 July 2003 From F. Chavez
Background Information
The Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS)
Potential HOPS Modeling Domains for AOSN-II
Comparing in situ data with the ENSO cycle
Converting ICON output to HOPS-compatible fields
Brief description and illustration of July-September 2003 field experiment
MUSE 2000 Aircraft Observations
From Steve Ramp - CODAR and Aircraft SST Animation
Wind Vectors at M1 and M2 - June-August 2000
West Coast SeaWiFS (Sea Surface Color) - June-August 2000
MUSE 2000 SeaWiFS - 1 Aug - 4 Sep 2000
Movies of Navy Layered Ocean Model (NLOM) output - June-August 2000
ICON Model Results
Temperature results (maps, sections and movies)
Salinity results (maps, sections and movies)
Velocity results (maps and movies)
AOSN-II Operational Reference Documents
System Goals and Performance Metrics - Davis et al. (11 May) [Word]
Data-Based Objective Analysis and qualitative and Quantitative Comparisons - RTOP (23 May) [Word]
Observation Schedule - Thomas et al. (24 June) [Excel]
Observation Plan - Chavez et al. (8 July) [Word]
Traveling Schedule - Chandler et al. (8 July) [Excel]
HOPS/ROMS Model Integretation - Lermusiaux and Chao (16 July) [Word]
Oceanic approaches for the control of Gliders on two-hourly time scales - Lermusiaux et al. (27 June) [Word]
MBARI Home Page
MBARI - AOSN Home Page
MBARI - AOSN-II Monterey Bay 2003 Home Page
MBARI - AOSN-III 2006 Data Management Documents
MBARI - AOSN-II Data Home Page (Password Protected)
MBARI - MBARI Ocean Observing System (MOOS)
MBARI MOOS Upper-water-column Science Experiment (MUSE)
MBARI NOPP Modeling Graphs and Animations
MBARI - ten-year time series of Monterey Bay
MBARI Data Page
MBARI Mooring Locations
MBARI OASIS Data and Images (incl. mooring data)
MBARI OASIS Data archives (mooring data)
News Coverage
Monterey County Herald - 13 August 2003
Register-Pajaronian - 14 August 2003
KSBW TV-8 - 28 August 2003
San Francisco Chronicle - 22 September 2003
Figure to accompany Chronicle story
Monterey County Herald - 20 October 2003
Scanned PDF version of New York Times (30 September 2003) article
Salinas California - 13 August 2003 (No longer online)
US News and World Report - 27 October 2003 (No longer online)
MBARI Polarbear Pages
MBARI AOSN-II Data Page (IP restricted)
MBARI AOSN-II Observation Data
MBARI AOSN-II Data Page - M1 Temperatures and Salinities (Daily)
MBARI AOSN-II Data Page - M1 Meteorology (Daily)
MBARI AOSN-II Data Page - M2 Temperatures and Salinities (Daily)
MBARI AOSN-II Data Page - M2 Meteorology (Daily)
Additional Data Pages
Real-Time Data From ICON Moorings
Mean Values at CALCOFI Standard Stations
JPL's Live Access to OurOcean
QuikScat Daily Wind Report
Center for Coastal Studies UCSD - Data Zoo
NPGS Monterey Area Weather and Environment
NPGS Current Monterey Area Forecast
Global Near Real-time SSH Home - CCAR
Global Near Real-time SSH Data Viewer - CCAR
Global Near Real-time SSH Data - CCAR
Monterey Inner Shelf Observatory (MISO)
Coastal Data Information Program
US Coastal Observing Systems - Southwest Pacific Coast
World Ocean Atlas Series - Products
NOAA CoastWatch Data Products
NOAA CoastWatch Product Search
MODIS - COASTWATCH - West Coast SST - Imager
U. Delaware Real-time CODAR
Recent data from aircraft - from Todd Anderson, NPGS
Other Pages
Naomi Leonard's AOSN-II Page
Innovative Coastal-Ocean Observing Network (ICON)
NRLSSC Global NCOM Model
NRLSSC Global NLOM (1/32o Model - US West Coast
NRLSSC Coupled Bio-Physical Modeling
Igor Shulman's Bioluminescence Work
NRLSSC Near Real-time Depiction of California Current System
NRLSSC Near Real-time Depiction of California Current System - Recent images
US West Coast Model
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary - Physical Oceanography
UCSD - Integrative Oceanography Division (Center for Coastal Studies and Marine Life Research Group)
Miller et al. Observing and Modeling the California Current System
Pierce et al. Poleward Undercurrent ...
SIO/CRD - Ocean State Estimation Projects
Chereskin - Eastern Boundary Currents
NPGS Operational Oceanography Course
Neander - NPGS (Summer 2001)
Kennedy - NPGS (Winter 2002)
GLOBEC Eastern Boundary Current/California Current Report
GLOBEC Eastern Boundary Current/California Current References
NOAA Climate Prediction Center - El Nino/La Nina Home
NOAA Climate Prediction Center - ENSO Diagnostic Discussion
NOAA Climate Prediction Center - Weekly ENSO Update
NOAA Climate Prediction Center - Forecast Forum
Center for Marine Integrated Technologies (CIMT) - UCSC (McManus)
Coastal Oceans Current Monitoring Program (COCMP)
SIMoN - Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network
AOSN-II Meetings
Hot Wash-Up meeting in Monterey on 6-7 November 2003
External Review meeting in Washington on 9-10 January 2003
Numerical Modeling Working Group meeting at Harvard on 13 November 2002
Agenda for Adaptive Sampling Working Group meeting at Princeton on 12 November 2002 [Word]
Report from Adaptive Sampling Working Group meeting at Princeton on 12 November 2002 [Word]
Older AOSN-II Group Documents
AOSN-II Adaptive Sampling and Forecasting Plan (2 Jan.) [Word]
AOSN-II Block Diagram (30 Nov.) [Powerpoint]
AOSN-II Block Diagram Description (27 Nov.) [Word]
AOSN-II Communication and Data Diagram (30 Nov.) [Powerpoint]
Performance Summary (24 Oct.) [Word]
Measurement and Model Requirements (24 Oct.) [Excel]
AOSN-II System Diagram (21 Oct.) [Powerpoint]
Adaptive Sampling Discussion Slides from Naomi Leonard (4 Nov.) [Powerpoint]
Developing Efficient Navigation Schemes in Geophysical Flows [Shadden Presentation - PDF]
Time-Dependent Dynamical Systems and Geophysical Flows [Lekien Thesis - PDF]
Wavelet-Based Multiscale Window Transform and Energy and Vorticity Analysis [San Thesis - PDF]
Feature Model Initialization of the CCS [PDF]
AOSN-II Sampling Schedule (6 May - Hans) [PDF]
Proposed WHOI Glider Sampling Plans and Vehicle Tasking (27 May - Dave Fratantoni) [PDF]
This page last updated 11 March 2005.