Abhinav’s machine learning research on neural closure models has been featured in the January 21, 2022 entry of MIT News [Archived PDF here]. Congratulations Abhinav for all your contributions!
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Abhinav’s machine learning research on neural closure models has been featured in the January 21, 2022 entry of MIT News [Archived PDF here]. Congratulations Abhinav for all your contributions!
Abhinav Gupta’s machine learning framework was highlighted by the Mechanical Engineering department in the article “Computing for Ocean Environments“. MSEAS work on using dynamical system models to make predictions for the ocean environment was illustrated in the article, explaining the new machine learning framework that helps make up for the lack of resolution or accuracy in ocean models.
MSEAS research on the development of methodologies to predict the most informative sampling sites in the ocean for a given mission and optimal paths to reach them was highlighted in Underwater Contractor International (UCi), a popular magazine for underwater professionals, in their Jan/Feb 2019 issue. This research was funded, in part, by the Office of Naval Research, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the MIT Tata Center, and the National Science Foundation. The full article in the magazine can be found here.
The entire Jan/Feb 2019 issue can be found here.
The full article in PDF format can be accessed here.