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Time-Optimal Path Planning in Dynamic Flows using Level Set Equations: Realistic Applications

Lolla, T., P.J. Haley, Jr. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2014. Time-Optimal Path Planning in Dynamic Flows using Level Set Equations: Realistic Applications. Ocean Dynamics, 64, 10:1399–1417. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0760-3.

The level set methodology for time-optimal path planning is employed to predict collision-free and fastest time trajectories for swarms of underwater vehicles deployed in the Philippine Archipelago region. To simulate the multiscale ocean flows in this complex region, a data-assimilative primitive-equation ocean modeling system is employed with telescoping domains that are interconnected by implicit two-way nesting. These data-driven multiresolution simulations provide a realistic flow environment, including variable large-scale currents, strong jets, eddies, wind-driven currents and tides. The properties and capabilities of the rigorous level set methodology are illustrated and assessed quantitatively for several vehicle types and mission scenarios. Feasibility studies of all-to-all broadcast missions, leading to minimal time transmission between source and receiver locations, are performed using a large number of vehicles. The results with gliders and faster propelled vehicles are compared. Reachability studies, i.e.~determining the boundaries of regions that can be reached by vehicles for exploratory missions, are then exemplified and analyzed. Finally, the methodology is used to determine the optimal strategies for fastest time pick-up of deployed gliders by means of underway surface vessels or stationary platforms. The results highlight the complex effects of multiscale flows on the optimal paths, the need to utilize the ocean environment for more efficient autonomous missions and the benefits of including ocean forecasts in the planning of time-optimal paths.