Multiple-Pursuer-One-Evader Pursuit Evasion Game in Dynamic Flow Fields
In this paper a reachability-based approach is adopted to deal with the
pursuit-evasion dierential game between one evader and multiple pursuers
in the presence of dynamic environmental disturbances (e.g., winds, sea
currents). Conditions for the game to be terminated are given in terms
of reachable set inclusions. Level set equations are defined and solved to
generate the forward reachable sets of the pursuers and the evader. The
time-optimal trajectories and the corresponding optimal strategies are sub-
sequently retrieved from these level sets. The pursuers are divided into
active pursuers, guards, and redundant pursuers according to their respec-
tive roles in the pursuit-evasion game. The proposed scheme is implemented on problems with both simple and realistic time-dependent flow fields, with and without obstacles.