Automated Sensor Networks to Advance Ocean Science
Oceanography is evolving from a ship-based
expeditionary science to a distributed,
observatory- based approach in which
scientists continuously interact with instruments
in the field. These new capabilities
will facilitate the collection of long- term
time series while also providing an interactive
capability to conduct experiments using
data streaming in real time.
The U.S. National Science Foundation has
funded the Ocean Observatories Initiative
(OOI), which over the next 5 years will deploy
infrastructure to expand scientists’ ability to
remotely study the ocean. The OOI is deploying
infrastructure that spans global, regional,
and coastal scales. A global component will
address planetary- scale problems using a new
network of moored buoys linked to shore via
satellite telecommunications. A regional cabled
observatory will “wire” a single region in the
northeastern Pacific Ocean with a high-speed
optical and power grid. The coastal component
will expand existing coastal observing assets to
study the importance of high-frequency forcing
on the coastal environment.
These components will be linked by a
robust cyberinfrastructure (CI) that will integrate
marine observatories into a coherent
system of systems. This CI infrastructure
will also provide a Web- based social
network enabled by real- time visualization
and access to numerical model information,
to provide the foundation for adaptive
sampling science. Thus, oceanographers
will have access to automated machine-to-machine
sensor networks that can be scalable
to increase in size and incorporate new
technology for decades to come. A case
study of this CI in action shows how a community
of ocean scientists and engineers
located throughout the United States at
12 different institutions used the automated
ocean observatory to address daily adaptive
science priorities in real time.