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Ensemble Forecasting for the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Region

Haley, Jr., P.J., C. Mirabito, M. Doshi, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023. Ensemble Forecasting for the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Region. In: OCEANS '23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. doi:10.23919/OCEANS52994.2023.10337035

In recent years, the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System has received increased attention. Its dynamics and the warm water it transports from the Caribbean influence the local weather and ecosystems. The high velocities of the Loop Current and the eddies it sheds can disrupt important industries. Accurate forecasting of the Loop Current system is challenging, in part because of the lack of data over long enough periods of time, which leads to considerable uncertainty. In this work, we describe and apply our MIT Multidisciplinary Simulation, Estimation, and Assimilation Systems (MSEAS) and Error Subspace Statistical Estimation (ESSE) ensemble forecasting methodology and software to estimate such uncertainty and to inform data collection in a quantitative manner. The ensemble forecasts allow for mitigating risks and optimizing data collection. We demonstrate that our probabilistic system has qualitative skill for over a month. We show that uncertainty grows along and around the Loop Current and its eddies, and transfers to depth from the shelf and slope. Using information theory, we find that our probabilistic hindcasts can have predictive capabilities for one to three months, with a slower loss of predictability in the quieter Loop Current states. Through the use of correlation and mutual information fields, we optimize future sampling by predicting the impacts and information content of observations. We find that the most informative data are those that either directly sample dynamically relevant areas or sample coastal modes that are correlated with these areas. Subsurface data are shown to have more impact on forecasts of one month or longer.


Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations for Stochastic and Deterministic Reduced-Order Modeling of Ocean Acoustic Wave Propagation

Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2021. Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations for Stochastic and Deterministic Reduced-Order Modeling of Ocean Acoustic Wave Propagation. In: OCEANS '21 IEEE/MTS San Diego, 20-23 September 2021, pp. 1-7. doi:10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705914

Accurate and computationally efficient acoustic models are needed for varied marine applications. In this paper, we focus our attention on forward models, which are essential to inverse problems such as imaging and mapping. First, we introduce new dynamically orthogonal (DO) equations for the acoustic wave equation in full generality, allowing for stochastic and spatially heterogeneous parameters. These equations may be spatially discretized and integrated in time numerically. Alternatively, the DO equations may be discretized themselves, admitting a non-intrusive reduced-order approach to solve the stochastic wave equation. We demonstrate the latter with a test case of an acoustic pulse traveling through the ocean with an uncertain sound speed. Second, we adapt the spatially discrete DO approach, typically used to reduce the stochastic dimension, to efficient reduced-order modeling of deterministic 3D acoustic propagation. We solve the 3D parabolic wave equation and show that low-rank solutions rapidly converge to the full-rank solution. Together, these approaches offer novel ways to solve stochastic and deterministic problems with strong or weak scattering at a reduced computational cost.


Real-time Probabilistic Coupled Ocean Physics-Acoustics Forecasting and Data Assimilation for Underwater GPS

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., C. Mirabito, P.J. Haley, Jr., W.H. Ali, A. Gupta, S. Jana, E. Dorfman, A. Laferriere, A. Kofford, G. Shepard, M. Goldsmith, K. Heaney, E. Coelho, J. Boyle, J. Murray, L. Freitag, and A. Morozov, 2020. Real-time Probabilistic Coupled Ocean Physics-Acoustics Forecasting and Data Assimilation for Underwater GPS. In: OCEANS '20 IEEE/MTS, 5-30 October 2020, pp. 1-9. doi:10.1109/IEEECONF38699.2020.9389003

The widely-used Global Positioning System (GPS) does not work underwater. This presents a severe limitation on the communication capabilities and deployment options for undersea assets such as AUVs and UUVs. To address this challenge, the Positioning System for Deep Ocean Navigation (POSYDON) program aims to develop an undersea system that provides omnipresent, robust positioning across ocean basins. To do so, it is critically important to accurately model sound waves and signals under diverse, and often uncertain, undersea environmental conditions. Probabilistic estimates of the four-dimensional variability of the fields of sound speed, salinity, temperature, and currents are thus needed. In this paper, we employ our MSEAS primitive-equation and error subspace data-assimilative ensemble ocean forecasting system during two real-time POSYDON sea exercises, one in winter 2017 and another in August 2018. We provide real-time high-resolution estimates of sound speed fields and their uncertainty, and describe the ocean conditions from submesoscales eddies and internal tides to warm core rings and larger-scale circulations. We verify our results against independent data of opportunity; in all cases, we show that our probabilistic forecasts demonstrate skill.


Multi-resolution Probabilistic Ocean Physics-Acoustic Modeling: Validation in the New Jersey Continental Shelf

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., P.J. Haley, Jr., C. Mirabito, W.H. Ali, M. Bhabra, P. Abbot, C.-S. Chiu, and C. Emerson, 2020. Multi-resolution Probabilistic Ocean Physics-Acoustic Modeling: Validation in the New Jersey Continental Shelf. In: OCEANS '20 IEEE/MTS, 5-30 October 2020, pp. 1-9. doi:10.1109/IEEECONF38699.2020.9389193

The reliability of sonar systems in the littoral environment is greatly affected by the variability of the surrounding nonlinear ocean dynamics. This variability occurs on multiple scales in space and time, and involves multiple interacting processes, from internal tides and waves to meandering fronts, eddies, boundary layers, and strong air-sea interactions. We utilize our high-resolution MSEAS-PE ocean modeling system to hindcast the ocean physical environment off the New Jersey continental shelf for the end of June 2009, and then utilize our new MSEAS probabilistic acoustic NAPE and WAPE solvers in a coupled ocean physics-acoustic modeling fashion to predict the transmission and integrated transmission losses, respectively. The coupled models are described, and their predictions verified against independent ocean physics observations and sound propagation measurements from acoustic sources and receivers in the region. Our high-resolution ocean simulations are shown to substantial reduce the RMSE and bias of the coarser simulations. Our acoustic simulations of deterministic and stochastic TL fields also show significant skill.


Stochastic Oceanographic-Acoustic Prediction and Bayesian Inversion for Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping

Ali, W.H., M.S. Bhabra, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, A. March, J.R. Edwards, K. Rimpau, and P. Ryu, 2019. Stochastic Oceanographic-Acoustic Prediction and Bayesian Inversion for Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962870

Covering the vast majority of our planet, the ocean is still largely unmapped and unexplored. Various imaging techniques researched and developed over the past decades, ranging from echo-sounders on ships to LIDAR systems in the air, have only systematically mapped a small fraction of the seafloor at medium resolution. This, in turn, has spurred recent ambitious efforts to map the remaining ocean at high resolution. New approaches are needed since existing systems are neither cost nor time effective. One such approach consists of a sparse aperture mapping technique using autonomous surface vehicles to allow for efficient imaging of wide areas of the ocean floor. Central to the operation of this approach is the need for robust, accurate, and efficient inference methods that effectively provide reliable estimates of the seafloor profile from the measured data. In this work, we utilize such a stochastic prediction and Bayesian inversion and demonstrate results on benchmark problems. We first outline efficient schemes for deterministic and stochastic acoustic modeling using the parabolic wave equation and the optimally-reduced Dynamically Orthogonal equations and showcase results on stochastic test cases. We then present our Bayesian inversion schemes and its results for rigorous nonlinear assimilation and joint bathymetry-ocean physics-acoustics inversion.


Clustering of Massive Ensemble of Vehicle Trajectories in Strong, Dynamic and Uncertain Ocean Flows

Dutt, A., D.N. Subramani, C.S. Kulkarni, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2018. Clustering of Massive Ensemble of Vehicle Trajectories in Strong, Dynamic and Uncertain Ocean Flows. In: Oceans '18 MTS/IEEE Charleston, 22-25 October 2018. doi:10.1109/oceans.2018.8604634

Recent advances in probabilistic forecasting of regional ocean dynamics, and stochastic optimal path planning with massive ensembles motivate principled analysis of their large datasets. Specifically, stochastic time-optimal path planning in strong, dynamic and uncertain ocean flows produces a massive dataset of the stochastic distribution of exact timeoptimal trajectories. To synthesize such big data and draw insights, we apply machine learning and data mining algorithms. Particularly, clustering of the time-optimal trajectories is important to describe their PDFs, identify representative paths, and compute and optimize risk of following these paths. In the present paper, we explore the use of hierarchical clustering algorithms along with a dissimilarity matrix computed from the pairwise discrete Frechet distance between all the optimal trajectories. We apply the algorithms to two datasets of massive ensembles of vehicle trajectories in a stochastic flow past a circular island and stochastic wind driven double gyre flow. These paths are computed by solving our dynamically orthogonal level set equations. Hierarchical clustering is applied to the two datasets, and results are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed.


Adaptive Acoustical-Environmental Assessment for the Focused Acoustic Field-05 At-sea Exercise

Wang, D., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, W.G. Leslie and H. Schmidt, 2006. Adaptive Acoustical-Environmental Assessment for the Focused Acoustic Field-05 At-sea Exercise, Oceans 2006, 6pp, Boston, MA, 18-21 Sept. 2006, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2006.306904.

Variabilities in the coastal ocean environment span a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. From an acoustic viewpoint, the limited oceanographic measurements and today’s ocean modeling capabilities can’t always provide oceanic-acoustic predictions in sufficient detail and with enough accuracy. Adaptive Rapid Environmental Assessment (AREA) is a new adaptive sampling concept being developed in connection with the emergence of the Autonomous Ocean Sampling Network (AOSN) technology. By adaptively and optimally deploying in-situ measurement resources and assimilating these data in coupled nested ocean and acoustic models, AREA can dramatically improve the ocean estimation that matters for acoustic predictions and so be essential for such predictions. These concepts are outlined and preliminary methods are developed and illustrated based on the Focused Acoustic Forecasting-05 (FAF05) exercise. During FAF05, AREA simulations were run in real-time and engineering tests carried out, within the context of an at-sea experiment with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) in the northern Tyrrhenian sea, on the eastern side of the Corsican channel.

Dynamics and Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Ocean and their Uncertainty

Lermusiaux, P.F.J. and F. Lekien, 2005. Dynamics and Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Ocean and their Uncertainty. Extended Abstract in report of the "Dynamical System Methods in Fluid Dynamics" Oberwolfach Workshop. Jerrold E. Marsden and Jurgen Scheurle (Eds.), Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, July 31st - August 6th, 2005, Germany. 2pp.

The observation, computation and study of “Lagrangian Coherent Structures” (LCS) in turbulent geophysical flows have been active areas of research in fluid mechanics for the last 30 years. Growing evidence for the existence of LCSs in geophysical flows (e.g., eddies, oscillating jets, chaotic mixing) and other fluid flows (e.g., separation pro le at the surface of an airfoil, entrainment and detrainment by a vortex) generates an increasing interest for the extraction and understanding of these structures as well as their properties. In parallel, realistic ocean modeling with dense data assimilation has developed in the past decades and is now able to provide accurate nowcasts and predictions of ocean flow fields to study coherent structures. Robust numerical methods and sufficiently fast hardware are now available to compute real-time forecasts of oceanographic states and render associated coherent structures. It is therefore natural to expect the direct predictions of LCSs based on these advanced models. The impact of uncertainties on the coherent structures is becoming an increasingly important question for practical applications. The transfer of these uncertainties from the ocean state to the LCSs is an unexplored but intriguing scientific problem. These two questions are the motivation and focus of this presentation. Using the classic formalism of continuous-discrete estimation [1], the spatially discretized dynamics of the ocean state vector x and observations are described by (1a) dx =M(x; t) + d yok (1b) = H(xk; tk) + k where M and H are the model and measurement model operator, respectively. The stochastic forcings d and k are Wiener/Brownian motion processes,   N(0;Q(t)), and white Gaussian sequences, k  N(0;Rk), respectively. In other words, Efd(t)d T (t)g := Q(t) dt. The initial conditions are also uncertain and x(t0) is random with a prior PDF, p(x(t0)), i.e. x(t0) = bx0 + n(0) with n(0) random. Of course, vectors and operators in Eqs. (1a-b) are multivariate which impacts the PDFs: e.g. their moments are also multivariate. The estimation problem at time t consists of combining all available information on x(t), the dynamics and data (Eqs. 1a-b), their prior distributions and the initial conditions p(x(t0)). Defining the set of all observations prior to time t by yt

Modeling Uncertainties in the Prediction of the Acoustic Wavefield in a Shelfbreak Environment

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., C.-S. Chiu and A.R. Robinson, 2002. Modeling Uncertainties in the Prediction of the Acoustic Wavefield in a Shelfbreak Environment. Refereed invited Manuscript, Proceedings of the 5th International conference on theoretical and computational acoustics, May 21-25, 2001. (Eds: E.-C. Shang, Q. Li and T.F. Gao), World Scientific Publishing Co., 191-200.

The uncertainties in the predicted acoustic wavefield associated with the transmission of low- frequency sound from the continental slope, through the shelfbreak front, onto the continental shelf are examined. The locale and sensor geometry being investigated is that of the New England continental shelfbreak with a moored low-frequency sound source on the slope. Our method of investigation employs computational fluid mechanics coupled with computational acoustics. The coupled methodology for uncertainty estimation is that of Error Subspace Statistical Estimation. Specifically, based on observed oceanographic data during the 1996 Shelfbreak Primer Experiment, the Harvard University primitive-equation ocean model is initialized with many realizations of physical fields and then integrated to produce many realizations of a five-day regional forecast of the sound speed field. In doing so, the initial physical realizations are obtained by perturbing the physical initial conditions in statistical accord with a realistic error subspace. The different forecast realizations of the sound speed field are then fed into a Naval Postgraduate School coupled-mode sound propagation model to produce realizations of the predicted acoustic wavefield in a vertical plane across the shelfbreak frontal zone. The combined ocean and acoustic results from this Monte Carlo simulation study provide insights into the relations between the uncertainties in the ocean and acoustic estimates. The modeled uncertainties in the transmission loss estimate and their relations to the error statistics in the ocean estimate are discussed.

Four-dimensional data assimilation for coupled physical-acoustical fields

Lermusiaux, P.F.J. and C.-S. Chiu, 2002. Four-dimensional data assimilation for coupled physical-acoustical fields. In "Acoustic Variability, 2002". N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (Eds.), Saclantcen. Kluwer Academic Press, 417-424.

The estimation of oceanic environmental and acoustical fields is considered as a single coupled data assimilation problem. The four-dimensional data assimilation methodology employed is Error Subspace Statistical Estimation. Environmental fields and their dominant uncertainties are predicted by an ocean dynamical model and transferred to acoustical fields and uncertainties by an acoustic propagation model. The resulting coupled dominant uncertainties define the error subspace. The available physical and acoustical data are then assimilated into the predicted fields in accord with the error subspace and all data uncertainties. The criterion for data assimilation is presently to correct the predicted fields such that the total error variance in the error subspace is minimized. The approach is exemplified for the New England continental shelfbreak region, using data collected during the 1996 Shelfbreak Primer Experiment. The methodology is discussed, computational issues are outlined and the assimilation of model-simulated acoustical data is carried out. Results are encouraging and provide some insights into the dominant variability and uncertainty properties of acoustical fields.

Advanced interdisciplinary data assimilation: Filtering and smoothing via error subspace statistical estimation.

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., A.R. Robinson, P.J. Haley and W.G. Leslie, 2002. Advanced interdisciplinary data assimilation: Filtering and smoothing via error subspace statistical estimation. Proceedings of "The OCEANS 2002 MTS/IEEE" conference, Holland Publications, 795-802.

The efficient interdisciplinary 4D data assimilation with nonlinear models via Error Subspace Statistical Estimation (ESSE) is reviewed and exemplified. ESSE is based on evolving an error subspace, of variable size, that spans and tracks the scales and processes where the dominant errors occur. A specific focus here is the use of ESSE in interdisciplinary smoothing which allows the correction of past estimates based on future data, dynamics and model errors. ESSE is useful for a wide range of purposes which are illustrated by three investigations: (i) smoothing estimation of physical ocean fields in the Eastern Mediterranean, (ii) coupled physical-acoustical data assimilation in the Middle Atlantic Bight shelfbreak, and (iii) coupled physical-biological smoothing and dynamics in Massachusetts Bay.

Transfer of uncertainties through physical-acoustical-sonar end-to-end systems: A conceptual basis

Robinson, A.R., P. Abbot, P.F.J. Lermusiaux and L. Dillman, 2002. Transfer of uncertainties through physical-acoustical-sonar end-to-end systems: A conceptual basis. In "Acoustic Variability, 2002:. N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (Eds.), SACLANTCEN. Kluwer Academic Press, 603-610.

An interdisciplinary team of scientists is collaborating to enhance the understanding of the uncertainty in the ocean environment, including the sea bottom, and characterize its impact on tactical system performance. To accomplish these goals quantitatively an end-to-end system approach is necessary. The conceptual basis of this approach and the framework of the end-to-end system, including its components, is the subject of this presentation. Specifically, we present a generic approach to characterize variabilities and uncertainties arising from regional scales and processes, construct uncertainty models for a generic sonar system, and transfer uncertainties from the acoustic environment to the sonar and its signal processing. Illustrative examples are presented to highlight recent progress toward the development of the methodology and components of the system.