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CALYPSO Real-Time Sea Experiment 2019

Alboran Sea – March-April 2019

P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley,
C. Mirabito, M. Doshi, A. Gkirgkis,
W.H. Ali, C. Kulkarni, A. Gupta
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Cambridge, Massachusetts

MSEAS Deterministic Ocean Forecasts
MSEAS Probabilistic Ocean Forecasts
MSEAS Methods & Systems
Atmos. Forecasts
Results From Partners

Data sources

CALYPSO Project Main Page

The CALYPSO 2019 experiment occurs in the Alboran Sea from March 27 to April 11, 2019. Our specific objectives are to: (i) Utilize our new Lagrangian transport theory and methods to forecast, characterize and quantify ocean processes involved in the three-dimensional transports and transformation of water masses and subduction dynamics in the Alboran Sea; (ii) Apply and expand our multi-resolution submesoscale-to-regional-scale ocean modeling, 2-way nesting, and uncertainty predictions, for real-time forecasting and process studies; (iii) Help design field experiments and predict sampling strategies that maximize information on 4D pathways and dynamics in the region. We thank all of the CALYPSO team members for their inputs and collaboration. We also thank NCEP for their atmospheric forcing data.

This research is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research

Real-time MSEAS Forecasting

Deterministic Probabilistic

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